Al Busayyah, 26th February 1991
Modern Spearhead scenario, Gulf war. The real battle Duration: suggested 16 turns (it was 8 in our game) See map below. Scale is 1 Hex = 3 inches on table. Iraqi may deploy up...
Modern Spearhead scenario, Gulf war. The real battle Duration: suggested 16 turns (it was 8 in our game) See map below. Scale is 1 Hex = 3 inches on table. Iraqi may deploy up...
It is July 1987. The Third World War has started three weeks ago, soviet attack to Western Europe is in full swing. A soviet airborne brigade has landed yesterday at the airport of Geneva....
Battaglia rinascimentale, tarde guerre d’Italia, in 15mm. Pezzi di Pino, regolamento Warfare in the Age Of Discovery di Tod Kershner e Dale Wood. Lo scenario e’ stato preso dalla Rivista Warning Order, redatta dal...
или Рим или Орет La terza guerra mondiale si trascina da tre settimane. Le forze sovietiche sono state fermate sul confine franco-tedesco. Sul fronte sud, l’Italia e’ occupata in forze fino a Firenze. Pisa...
Dieci anni fa, nell’anno di grazia 1692, il famoso pirata Barbazac ha nascosto su un isola deserta il tesoro catturato ad un galeone spagnolo. Dopo dieci anni lui e la sua ciurma tornano sull’isola,...
Ga Pa renaissance rules, models in 6mm from the collection of Stefano and Francesco. Quicksheet in centimetres here. I hope I am not infringing any copyrights… Cheriton wood extent might be less than what...
First battle test using ARMATI2 rules with amendments collected from original ARMATI, Advanced ARMATI, and finally including our own thinking about unit behaviour during the Thirty Years War And English Civil War.The figures are...
First big battle played with 6mm from the collection of Vittorio.Rules used are Armati II from Arty Conliffe and friends, using the 28mm single-base unit size (60 mm x 30 mm).The scenario is a...
Scenario It is 1985, South Lebanon. The South Lebanese Army is holding a strip of territory close to the Israeli Border. A growing number of clashes has caused yesterday’s attack on a line of...