Tagged: battaglia


Black Ops!

Yesterday we had our first Black Ops (Osprey) game. The scenario we tested was played on a Terminal game board. The mission was a stealth “Assassination” of a key russian General arriving in Helicopter...


Battaglia di Donetsk

Un link a foto di veicoli russi ed Ucraini. Tabelle MSH Organizzazione truppe Ucraine e russe La Battaglia


Il tesoro dell’isola di Pedra-Ronda

Scenario per “On the seven seas” di Chris Peers. Pezzi in 28mm di SV. I pirati devono sbarcare e riprendersi un tesoro sepolto nell’isola abitata da feroci cannibali… I pirati arrivano con tre imbarcazioni...


First Aurelian Battle

Introductory battle, Dura Europos, as suggested by Mustafa. Using 6mm figures, Heroics and Ros or Irregular, on 60×30 mm2 bases: heavy infantry: 36 figures per base in three ranks / six Irregular infantry bases...


Battle of the Bridges, part two

Back to Battle of the Bridges, Kuwait 1991, Part One. Second part of the game starts at 9:30 am, with Iraqi mechanised infantry battalions occupying most of Jahra, the tank battalion of the Medina...


Battle of the Bridges, Kuwait 1991

Scenario related information here. This game is being played using Modern Spearhead rules. A Unit Sheet has been prepared for the Kuwaitis, while the standard Sheet has been used for iraqis. Both armies troops...


Battaglia dei ponti

Battle really happened during Kuwait invasion in 1991. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Bridges I have prepared all miniatures in 1/300 using H&R and Scotia models. An account of the battle below: Scenario Gioco sull’invasione del Kuwait. Giocato con...


Frittole, 1392

La battaglia di Frittole, svoltasi tra Fiorentini e Senesi presso il famoso borgo omonimo. Regolamento Chipco Days Of knights, pezzi in 15mm di Pino. Gli eserciti La battaglia La battaglia e’ stata interessante, abbiamo...


Al Mansour, Lebanon, 11th June1982

Game duration: 4:45 am (dawn) to 12 am (UN ceasefire), variable length turns. First turn(s) is dawn. Sunrise at 5:15. Turn hour calculated end of each turn: 1 = l’ora non cambia, 2-5 =...


Al Busayyah, 26th February 1991

Modern Spearhead scenario, Gulf war. The real battle Duration: suggested 16 turns (it was 8 in our game) See map below. Scale is 1 Hex = 3 inches on table. Iraqi may deploy up...