Tagged: aereo


Wings of War!

Great game last night with Robert and Nigel! Even if we had not played this ruleset since more than ten years, here our previous game, we picked-up the rules rather speedily, from time to...


La soluzione finale per gli aerei 1/600

Da Figures In Confort, UK, ( http://www.figuresincomfort.co.uk ;;) le basi che usero’ per montare gli aerei medio-orientali moderni. Ora su questo sito: https://www.gamingenhancements.com. Nuova soluzione Non montare i pegs sotto gli aerei, perché troppo...


Guerra Iran-Iraq: Aviazione Iraniana

Site where to buy Iranian fast attack crafts German Desert Yellow Flat Dark Earth Flat Dark Green Flat Gull Gray Hum128: Compass Grey Hum93: Mat Desert Yellow Hum116: Matt US Dark Green  Hum160: German...


Aerei Israeliani 1/600

Basette da Figures In Confort, UK, ( http://www.figuresincomfort.co.uk ) Basi AFS004-25 1.375 Hex flight stands AFS006-20 flight peg toppers Modelli Panni Hotzmatz Colori usati Fondo bombola army painter skeleton bone, goblin green e bestial...


Aerei Contemporanei

Tutti gli aerei sono in scala 1/600 della ditta Tumbling Dicehttp://wp.scn.ru/en Mig 31 Foxhound mig 29 Fulcrum SU 27 Flanker Mig 29 Fulcrum Mig 23 Flogger SU 24 Fencer SU 25 Frogfoot F 14...

Airwar over Germany

A ruleset we have found on the internet and which we have heavily modified. We are preparing a set of miniatures to play the dogfights over germany, between american bombers and escorts and the...