BBB 2mm villages
Just started to prepare 12 villages to play BBB. They are mounted on round bases, in contrast with towns, which are mounted on square bases. The models I am using are from the great...
Just started to prepare 12 villages to play BBB. They are mounted on round bases, in contrast with towns, which are mounted on square bases. The models I am using are from the great...
On the 6th we played the ACW scenario of 2nd Manassas, the one which may be found on the BBB GroupIO page. I have so far played with a labelling script, which has produced...
Ieri ho poi trovato una scatoletta di navi della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, tedesche e britanniche. Sono state dipinte forse 30 anni fa ma non sono imbasettate. Ho deciso quindi di imbasettarle con lo stesso...
Matteo has painted 15 Star Wars Rebel Troopers, including one officer. Currently basing vintage 15mm ACW figures. Preparing some 20mm Vietnam War Vietcong, to be played with Battlefront or Cold War Commander. An old...
Hello, here my first scenario. It is an adaptation from a Volley and Bayonet book. Here you may find a quicksheet I have prepared for the Seven Years’ War. It is an adaptation of...
Prussian infantry for my Lobositz little battle project. One base equals around 1000 men, very roughly two battalions. Please tell me which ones are Prussian Grenadiers. It is soo easy to find out. Test...
This month projects: US Spearhead WW2, 1/300 army. I am preparing about 30+30 trench/rifle pits bases. I have bought them from Timecast, they are marvellous. Half I will paint for desert, half for more...
Just finished basing other villages I inherited by my friends in Rome, adding to the ones already prepared.
Da fare con pezzi Irregular, su due ranghi, per una scala di 1000 uomini per base: Conflower blue si fa con Andrea blue. Francesi Fanteria: metà basette con un battaglione “piccolo” (erano da 700...