Tagged: 25mm
Imperial, swedish and german arquebusiers
Just restored three more units, four bases each, of Thirty Years War arquebusiers. Models are early Minifigs, series S.
Never Mind the Matchlocks, action in Moëns
Here some photos of the great game we had yesterday, Robert and I. The rules from Andy Callan are rather nice, they feel like playing a large skirmish game. The command system and cards...
French Thirty Years war
Some French flags to decorate my Thirty Years’s War units. Some artillerymen waiting for hardware. All figures are Hinchliffe, ECW range. They have a lot of character to me, much better than the new...
Febbraio 2025
Ho iniziato questo mese di febbraio con il restauro dei pezzi tardo antichi in 6mm di Francesco. Qui qualche dettaglio sull’esercito Sasanide, ho anche iniziato l’esercito tardo romano. Ho poi preparato un po’ di...
Hinchliffe Martians
Here the old Hinchliffe catalogue excerpt with the Martian range: Then below some figures from the range painted. They have been found on the Lead Adventure site. These range may be bought by Broadsword...
Minifigs French Field Artillery
I have just finished five bases of French artillerymen, four bases are made of Minifigs French artillerymen, with the 1806 uniform. One base is a Guard Artillery one, hosting four not yet identified figures....
Garrison 25mm English Civil War miniatures
Just restored six English Civil War Cavaliers from this historic range.