Tagged: 15mm


Pacifico 15mm

Skirmish in 15mm, regolamento Rate of Fire, pezzi di Vittorio di Peter Pig. Una pattuglia americana deve occupare un villaggio su un’isola del pacifico. Molta giungla e risaie. i giapponesi sono asseragliati in piccoli...


Close Fire and european Order, test battle

Test battle from the War Of Spanish Succession.Rules by Simon McDowall, “Close Files”, see link.Figures by Mario Bonechi in 15mm scale. He will also umpire the game. Battle Report The allies.Tavier in the forefront...


Playing with the author of Comitatus

We just had a very enjoyable day with Simon McDowall, who came to visit us this weekend. I dearly thank him for coming, and I wish to write a report of the day. Simon...


Esercito turco di Diego

Pezzi in 15mm, ecco la lista: 4 pezzi d’artiglieria con serventi 21 basi di cavalleria leggera 31 basi di cavalleria pesante (di cui 2 delly e tre scorta del generale) 3 comandanti a due...


Table setup for Agliana

The idea Porta San Paolo as it stands today. The game idea came when we decided to prepare a table for Agliana with some scenario very close to our Club in Rome. We decided...


Preparing for Agliana

The work for preparing the ARSM table for Agliana has started. The game will be based on the Gothic War descriptions from Procopius. many large skirmishes and battles have been fought around the city...


Battaglia di Castelluzzo 850 DC

In lontananza si vede il convento di San Michele e la citta’ di Castelluzzo. La strada a sinistra proviene da Benevento, sede del ducato Longobardo, mentre la strada a destra, che va a nord,...