Tagged: 1/300


Modern Italian

Republican Italy MSH Italy 1985 Sheet.xlsx Italy has presented an interesting modern military history. From complete defeat in 1943, it was rebuilt by the Allies in 1943 to fight the Germans. Even in the...


Al Mansour, Lebanon, 11th June1982

Game duration: 4:45 am (dawn) to 12 am (UN ceasefire), variable length turns. First turn(s) is dawn. Sunrise at 5:15. Turn hour calculated end of each turn: 1 = l’ora non cambia, 2-5 =...


Al Busayyah, 26th February 1991

Modern Spearhead scenario, Gulf war. The real battle Duration: suggested 16 turns (it was 8 in our game) See map below. Scale is 1 Hex = 3 inches on table. Iraqi may deploy up...


Progetto 1914 in 6mm

L’idea che abbiamo Vittorio ed io e’ quella di costruire un corpo francese ed uno tedesco della prima guerra mondiale, 1914 per l’esattezza. Un video ispiratore: Ancora da comprare: GWG05 – Uhlans GWF03 –...


Contemporary Qatar

Emir’s Guard, LAV 90mm Emir’s Guard, VAB APC ? Land Rovers + 25 pdr (WW2 Vintage!!!)


Modern Kuwaiti

Kuwait A small army on the world stage it came into prominence during the Operation Desert Shield/Storm. It is largely re-equipped now with a mixture of former Yugoslav and US equipment. With the end...


Gulf War US

Esercito dell guerra del golfo. Finora ho fatto: 1 battaglione M1A1 (-) 1 battaglione meccanizzato su Bradley (-) 1 battaglione LAV dei Marines (-) 1 battaglione artiglieria su 4 M109A6 Paladin (-) 3 plotoni...


trad. dal russo, O Roma o Orte

или Рим или Орет La terza guerra mondiale si trascina da tre settimane. Le forze sovietiche sono state fermate sul confine franco-tedesco. Sul fronte sud, l’Italia e’ occupata in forze fino a Firenze. Pisa...