Tagged: 1/300


Piani per il 2024

Nel 2023 sono riuscito a dipingere abbastanza, ma praticamente solo pezzi per il progetto Imagine-Nations. Penso di continuarlo, ma anche riprendere i miei napoleonici e poi iniziare qualcosa di nuovo. Da fare quindi, nell’ordine,...



Here the first try at a set of rules that Maurizio suggested me. they can be downloaded from this site. The battle was an absolute success! The game rules worked very well, keeping us...


“All fine men” GWSH: head count

I have just collected the full list, what is needed to play all scenarios of “All Fine Men”, Easter front First World War scenarios for Great War Spearhead. In Bold what I have already...


Ottobre 2020

Quando sono a Roma mi dedico ai 2mm. Ora l’esercito Austriaco per il risorgimento. Circa 80 basi di fanteria e 4 di cavalleria. Mancano gli artiglieri. I pezzi sono napoleonici, doppio trail. Per ora...


New old built-up areas

Ho appena finito di preparare queste BUAs. Le case sono quasi tutte di carta, montate negli anni ’80. Il castello e’ stato disegnato e montato da Alberto Ribera, mentre gli alberi sono vecchie fusioni.


March 2020

Restoring my 15mm ACW Currently working on 2mm Seven Years War cavalry and more villages and towns. Cavalry is done now! Also some artillery, two new villages and two towns. Just begun preparing my...


February 2020

This month projects: US Spearhead WW2, 1/300 army. I am preparing about 30+30 trench/rifle pits bases. I have bought them from Timecast, they are marvellous. Half I will paint for desert, half for more...


My new vintage WW2 American Spearhead Army

Here the beginning of my effort to build a Spearhead US WW2 Army. The figures are vintage infantry figures from Heroics and Ros. I have added support weapon and command strips which you may...

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