American Civil War wagons
Something to remember when I will paint my three Dixon Wagons. Colours were not olive but: Union supply wagons were painted powder blue with bright red wheels
Something to remember when I will paint my three Dixon Wagons. Colours were not olive but: Union supply wagons were painted powder blue with bright red wheels
Here my list of late romans in 6mm. This list includes units suitable for the Belisarius campaigns, and later. I like to put units from these many centuries all under the same name of...
Next week Robert and I will play “Never Mind the Matchlocks”. We are preparing units for the game. For a first game maybe 150 points will be fine for a start. Here is Robert’s...
Bretlach Cuirassiers e Anhalt-Zerbst Cuirassiers sono i due prossimi reggimenti che voglio dipingere. I pezzi sono Front Rank. Le uniformi sono molto simili. Le unita’ saranno su quattro basi. I pezzi sono in parte...
I just picked one battalion as my next painting choice. Figures are from Minden, I had found a battalion of 16 on eBay and then I ordered the missing 8 from Fife and Drum...
Just restored six English Civil War Cavaliers from this historic range.
Today Robert and I played a nice BBB scenario on the battle of Albuera. We chose to play the full-size scenario available on the Group site. The French decided to attack from the south,...
Camminando a caso per la città , mi sono imbattuto in questo negozio. La mia signora non crede che sia un caso. E’ a Rue De Rivoli.
This weekend had no focus on wargame matters, still I managed to have very interesting visits, some photos follow. Below here original paintings (this is my favourites Thirty Years War painter Sebastian Vranckx) and...