Category: Uncategorized


Hinchliffe Martians

Here the old Hinchliffe catalogue excerpt with the Martian range: Then below some figures from the range painted. They have been found on the Lead Adventure site. These range may be bought by Broadsword...


Bethlen Hungarians.

I just picked one battalion as my next painting choice. Figures are from Minden, I had found a battalion of 16 on eBay and then I ordered the missing 8 from Fife and Drum...


BBB Albuera

Today Robert and I played a nice BBB scenario on the battle of Albuera. We chose to play the full-size scenario available on the Group site. The French decided to attack from the south,...


Negozio di Soldatini

Camminando a caso per la città, mi sono imbattuto in questo negozio. La mia signora non crede che sia un caso. E’ a Rue De Rivoli.


Unexpected weekend

This weekend had no focus on wargame matters, still I managed to have very interesting visits, some photos follow. Below here original paintings (this is my favourites Thirty Years War painter Sebastian Vranckx) and...


Grenadiers de France infos

I have all figures ready to prepare my next unit for my Seven Years French army. Figures are Fife and Drum, compatible with Crann Tara, very nice. I need to remember to mount two...


XVIII century Militia and civilians

Finally I may start again enjoying figures painted by me, of a more modern design. I am starting now a few armed civilians (Black Hat Miniatures) and some villagers, rich and poor. The colour...