Category: Rules


Pike and Shotte

Regolamento rinascimentale della Warlord games, a la Black Powder. Un Forum dedicato. Tabelle riassuntive. PS-quick-ref-sheet.pdf Samurai Samurai_Armies_for_Pike_&_Shotte.docxShimabara_Scenario (P&S)-1.docxIkkoIkki_Scenario (P&S)-1.docx2nd_IkkoIkki_Scenario (P&S)-1.docx


Comptemptible Little Armies

Esempio di esercito e regole aggiuntive dal gruppo The League of Extraordinary Kriegspielers The Manchurian Candidate Bolshevik Brief Background “Long before Siberia’s forests echoed with the ringing swords of Mongols, Tartars, Cossacks, Reds and...


Ga Pa

Versione per la Guerra dei Trenta Anni.


Rate of fire

Regolamento skirmish a livello di plotone della seconda guerra mondiale. Il forum della Crusader Publishing. Manuali di pittura delle figure Un sito con ordini di battaglia di Plotone HE Fire hello there,I have been...


Variable Length Bound wargaming

News I have started preparing for the third test battle, a small campaign.The armies are taken from the very good Castiglione 1796 book from Voykovitsch.I will use the sam program to make initial campaign...


Battle of Lonato, Part Four

Unlimber the battery, enemy is close! Click on Verbal Orders Button. Unlimbering taks 5 minutes, let us advance in time, click on Events and then on Sync to Next event Buttons. Now let us...


Ironclads in Action

This ruleset has been written by Alan Goodearl (Central London wargamers) Author notes on ship rosters building If yours is the ironclad boardgame I am thinking of – it was called just“Ironclads” and produced...



Modifications proposed Dear all, here I will post a list of bug solved and modification proposals coming from play testers for next version. What I would like to introduce is the following: Introduce Changes...

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