Category: Rules



Yesterday night we played a very enjoyable game. We have used the Midgard rules, by Reisswitz Press, to fight a Troyan War game. The marvellous figures in the photos below have been painted by...


Warre Dice

Just finished my set of twelve Warre dice. I have bought in a cheap shop 20mm wooden cubes. The dice are shown in the photo below


Honours of War India

Text below has been written very recently by SteveJ, on the Honours of War Forum. I made a copy here for my convenience, to remember that rules were made available, with no intention to...


Bath tubbing with Honours Of War

Here some notes from Keith, the author: This all got me thinking. On p.61 of the rules I make some brief comments regarding ‘bathtubbing’ for bigger battles, in particular emphasising that ignoring the scale...


Honours of War Campaign Rules

I wish to handle the potential change of unit morale and size, after a lost or a won Battle. This will allow to play all the Tabletop Teaser short campaigns from C. Grant, using...

General D’Armee

Regolamento della Resswitz Press per il periodo Rivoluzionario e Napoleonico. Abbiamo finora giocato una battaglia: Dalle parti di Vimeiro.


The portable wargame: primo gioco

Ieri pomeriggio ho giocato con Luca, che ha dipinto molto bene un set del Portable Wargame dei fratelli Perry. Il gioco e’ semplicissimo ma non stupido ed i tipi di truppe sono bene caratterizzate....


Maurice gaming with Imagi-Nations armies

One thought I am having these days is about the possibility of running a Maurice game, with nice 28mm units. The effort may not be that huge and the suggestion is coming from Sam...

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