Category: Battles


Bombs on the Vesuvius

Bombing run over Naples. One B17 squadron flies escorted by P38 Lightning over the italian skies. Axis fighter planes scramble to bring a few down. 1/600 models from Vittorio’s collection. Very simple rules found...


Alla conquista di Tolomeo

Battaglia antica tra un esercito romano repubblicano ed uno dei successori di Tolomeo. Ehm, leggermente anacronistica, mi interessava provare il combattimento tra una legione ed una falange ellenistica con il regolemanto Hail Caesar. Regolamento...


War Of Desperation

Lebanon 1982 game, using Cold War Commander and 1/300 models. Lists Scenario Encounter game. Road running on a hill crest, with villages on crest and on valley bottom. Played along long edge. It lasts...


The Lilin fortress

This battle is a fortress relief scenario. Mongols are sieging a russian wooden fortress. A russian army comes to save it. The main objective of the game is the mongol camp. Siege machines must...



Grande battaglia della Terra di Mezzo, regolamento “Chainmail 3rd Edition” (1976). Large Battle from Middle Earth, using Gary Gygax “Chainmail” rules, 3rd edition. Ithilien Rangers have spotted a large enemy force coming from east,...


Treasures from the Silk Road, the true story

The background Follow this link. What happened As collected by survivors many years after the event. Somebody says that some of the details are completely invented. In fact some troops appearing in the story...


Treasures from the Silk Road

Back of Beyond battle using Triumph and Tragedy rules and 28mm figures from Copplestone. The Story A french-american expedition from the Sin Kiang deserts has hired chinese smugglers to bring a recent excavated treasure...


The Euphrates

Sixth century Persian Wars battle, played with vintage 25mm models from Minifigs and Garrrison,I believe, using Comitatus rules. The enemies The battle Romans are advancing along the Euphrates with their fleet. They have now...


Hun is bagged

Two Wings of War games played with Robert. Here is the full story. Der Luftsturm Gazetten (Sept-1915 and January-1918) …Yesterday two of our best aces have been downed by our archenemies, ach!The first loss...