Category: Battles
trad. dal russo, O Roma o Orte
или Рим или Орет La terza guerra mondiale si trascina da tre settimane. Le forze sovietiche sono state fermate sul confine franco-tedesco. Sul fronte sud, l’Italia e’ occupata in forze fino a Firenze. Pisa...
Guerra in Ossezia del sud
The August War between Russia and Georgia Mikhail Barabanov Initially, Georgia’s attack on the capital of the self-proclaimed Republic of South Ossetia on August 8, 2008, seemed like it would lead to yet another...
Lorioly’s flight over Germany
Game played using our World war Two Air Combat rules, 1/600 model planes from the collection of Vittorio. A B17 box is flying over Germany to deliver its bumbled over a weapon factory. An...
Bolt kids Action
One of the best games ever I had last sunday with my son M. A Bolt action Normandy scenario hosting very nice houses built by a master craftsman from Rome. The game
First Ronin game
Yesterday I had a very entertaining game in Geneva, by my friend Robert, who introduced me to Ronin, the Osprey samurai skirmish ruleset. The game More figures from Robert’s collection
Il tesoro del pirata Barbazac
Dieci anni fa, nell’anno di grazia 1692, il famoso pirata Barbazac ha nascosto su un isola deserta il tesoro catturato ad un galeone spagnolo. Dopo dieci anni lui e la sua ciurma tornano sull’isola,...
Cheriton 1644
Ga Pa renaissance rules, models in 6mm from the collection of Stefano and Francesco. Quicksheet in centimetres here. I hope I am not infringing any copyrights… Cheriton wood extent might be less than what...
ARMATI Renaissance First Battle
First battle test using ARMATI2 rules with amendments collected from original ARMATI, Advanced ARMATI, and finally including our own thinking about unit behaviour during the Thirty Years War And English Civil War.The figures are...