Category: Battles


Never Mind the Matchlocks, action in Moëns

Here some photos of the great game we had yesterday, Robert and I. The rules from Andy Callan are rather nice, they feel like playing a large skirmish game. The command system and cards...


BBB Vimeiro

Today I had a great game with Robert. We have played the Battle of Vimerio using the BBB rules frommChris Pringle. The figures we used were superbly pained by Robert, 6mm from Baccus. Overall...


Curtatore e Montanara

Tutto merito di Marco il resoconto della battaglia, organizzata appositamente mentre ero oltralpe. Sabato 11 Gennaio Curtatone e Montanara 1848 Regolamento: Neil Thomas (One-hour Wargames: Practical Tabletop Battles) Contrariamente alla successiva retorica patriottarda lo scontro...



Yesterday night we played a very enjoyable game. We have used the Midgard rules, by Reisswitz Press, to fight a Troyan War game. The marvellous figures in the photos below have been painted by...


Sumatra 1796

Leo wrote a very nice summary of the battle they fought today, I wish to put it here, together with some photos. Bravi Leo and friends! Battaglia storica al largo di Sumatra nel 1796...


Wings of War!

Great game last night with Robert and Nigel! Even if we had not played this ruleset since more than ten years, here our previous game, we picked-up the rules rather speedily, from time to...


The Warre game beyond the Alps

Next Sunday Robert and I will have a try at the Warre rules. The game will be a small attack-defence scenario, with about 12 units per side from my new Vintage project. The idea...


Miles in September and cannon balls

While I stare at the hole made by French Napolonic troops at the gate of Valencia, my fellow gamers play XVIII century Neil Thomas rules and a Napoloenic naval game. Here some photos, I...


Battle of Saltanovka, July 1812

Today we played a wonderfully crafted game, by Mauro, who prepared a Shako 2 scenario depicting the Battle of Saltanovka, a difficult engagement for the Russians, who needed to attack the French by crossing...


Bolt Action Normandy

A wonderful game played with Matteo! An encounter battle between a PanzerGrenadier platoon, supported by one Panzer IV, against a US paratroops platoon. Objective was the heavily shelled town of Cessy sur la Fleuve....