Category: Army


6mm Russian WWI (or Civil War)

I inherited from Francesco a box filled with Irregular miniatures (new 6mm shop), painted for the Russian Civil War. I plan to base them, organising them for GWSHII, on 30mm square bases, 2mm thick...


1/3000 WWII naval

Just found a box full of 1/3000 WWII ships. They are mainly German and British, for the Atlantic theatre. They have been based two-three years ago, immediately after I prepared the models for the...


Seven Years War French

Here is the list of units done and to be completed of a French Army which may be played also for the War of Austrian Succession.


Seven Years War Saxons

Figures from Minden, found on eBay, restored and finally grown from 16 to 24 figures battalions. Useful mainly for Image-Nations and for the War of the Austrian Succession. Full army below: Photos have been...


Army camps in the Seven Years War

I plan to build a few tent bases for my armies, based from the maps from Neil Cogswell’s books. During this period armies are shown always organised in a First and Second Line, each...


Pensiero rivoluzionario

Prima o poi inizierò’ il progetto delle Guerre Rivoluzionarie francesi. Ecco delle belle foto ispiratrici per preparare dei battaglioni Francesi della Levee En masse. I pezzi sono quelli presi da Emperor Toad’s Emporium e...