Category: Army


Warre armies taking shape

I decided to put on a table all that I have done so far in terms of Thirty Years’ Was units. Here in photos the current status. Some units need to be flocked, other...


The Warre has begun

Just finished three units and two Generals for my new Thirty Years War vintage project. Two lancer units, one irregular cavalry unit can now join my two Cuirassier Units. Figures are Minifigs and some...


Twice Old Tercios

There is something strange in my efforts to recover old miniatures and build units for my new armies. This time I have chosen the oldest models in my collection of vintage Thirty Years War...


Project: Vintage 30 Years’ War

This project, thought one year ago, is now starting up. I have collected a number of Minifigs and Hinchliffe figures, which need quite some restoration. I also have gathered a good number of unpainted...


Basing for Warre

I have to start my new vintage project, to give my 40+ years old figures a new life. Next Monday we will play this Warre ruleset I had printed and in my list since...


Peter Laing di Mario

Dalla pagina Facebook di Mario. Che fortuna ritrovare queste foto, abbiamo qualche testimonianza della collezione di Mario.


Seven Years War Hanoverians

Just placed an order for a small contingent of Hanoverians. It will be composed of: All models bought by RSM, apart from officers and ensigns, which were bought from Crann Tara.


“All fine men” GWSH: head count

I have just collected the full list, what is needed to play all scenarios of “All Fine Men”, Easter front First World War scenarios for Great War Spearhead. In Bold what I have already...