Author: parallels


Spanish Napoleonics

I have found on eBay at a reasonable price, some Minifigs Spanish Napoleonics. By ordering some additional figures, I will be able to field one brigade with some cavalry support:


Luglio 2024

Non ho tempo a Giugno per preparare altri pezzi, quindi scrivo i miei propositi per luglio.


WWI Mesopotamia

After the great fun we had playing Great War Spearhead on the Eastern Front, I decided to look at the Middle East. Among my lead pile I found some painted and unpainted figures I...


Bibliography 18° century, MB

Historical Sources: Specific to War of Austrian Succession: Author, etc: Seven Years War Association Journal: Sources that cover aspects of both wars: Sources specific to Seven Years War: Seven Years War Association Journal:


Giugno 2024

All troops ready for Degesen, here they are. On these two boxes more than one Russian infantry division, five regiments, with supports. Also half a division of German infantry. I have now completed the...


Warre companies

Some more companies of pikemen and musketeers. Enough to make two regiments and more. In total: Some photos below.


Normans and Saxons by Crucible Crush

Getting interested in what’s been designed by Bob Murch, of Pulp Figures fame. These figure are super nice and following a bit his hollywoodian style. Hope to be able to build a small Norman...


Action around Degesen, 17 August 1914

This scenario features the northern flank of General von François’ I Corps, centredaround Degesen (modern day Babushkino). Elements of the German 1st Division (General Richard Von Conta) have to hold this flank against the...

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