Bolt Action troops
Here our collection of 28mm WW2 figures. We took pictures since we did not remember exactly what we had. Our painted figures are only US and Germans. They are ready to play a good...
Here our collection of 28mm WW2 figures. We took pictures since we did not remember exactly what we had. Our painted figures are only US and Germans. They are ready to play a good...
Today we had a very interesting and fun game, using our beloved BBB ruleset. The figures were in 10mm, from the collection of Maurizio. The map was kindly sent by Chris, given a light...
I have just recovered a bunch of old Early Renaissance Minifigs figures that need an important restoration. I have identified: I plan to base them using the by now standard 50mmx50mm bases: Halberdiers and...
Just finished with a heavy restoration of some Thirty Years War cuirassiers. They are 25mm Minifigs models, rather battered from the many years of neglect in a storage box. They are very similar to...
German 1914 cavalry Division and more artillery. One cavalry Division and some divisional and corps artillery being painted. Photos soon. The artillery being prepared is:
Here the additional troops I have based, with the idea to have enough troops for all the scenarios present in the Spearhead supplements for the East front.
These 25mm Minifigs figures are too nice, I could not resist to buy them, restore and base them to my taste. They might be found on a table at some point. They are organised...
Here three new regiments, now I have enough to play with a full infantry division. I am still missing some guns, but they are ready to be painted. I will also build a cavalry...
I have found on eBay at a reasonable price, some Minifigs Spanish Napoleonics. By ordering some additional figures, I will be able to field one brigade with some cavalry support:
Non ho tempo a Giugno per preparare altri pezzi, quindi scrivo i miei propositi per luglio.