Check point Pasta, Mogadishu 1993
My friend Leo organised a modern game last Saturday. Here some photos of this very interesting scenario. Leo’s comments on the scenario The scenario concerned the italian retreat from the ambush along the “Via...
My friend Leo organised a modern game last Saturday. Here some photos of this very interesting scenario. Leo’s comments on the scenario The scenario concerned the italian retreat from the ambush along the “Via...
Figures from Minden, found on eBay, restored and finally grown from 16 to 24 figures battalions. Useful mainly for Image-Nations and for the War of the Austrian Succession. Full army below: Photos have been...
Figures from Minden, found on eBay, restored and finally grown from 16 to 24 figures battalions. Full army below: Missing figures, eight per battalion, were bought from Fife and Drum USA.
ma quanti ce ne siamo presi, alle tre di notte, dopo aver fatto tutti insieme un bel gioco. E poi si continuava a parlare di soldatini, di cose da preparare per i prossimi venerdí.
Just finished to paint twelve 3 Pdr battalion guns (Front Rank), just the pieces. I have Crusader crews to go with. Details of gunners uniforms here.
Ho poi appena finito di imbasettare qualche pezzo Crann Tara trovato su eBay e rimesso a posto. Questi pezzi sono inglesi Sette Anni, parte di un contingente che comprende della fanteria. Da rimettere a...
I have a few civilians to paint. I found some photos online, showing which colours were used. I will profit from them. The figures I have are:
I plan to build a few tent bases for my armies, based from the maps from Neil Cogswell’s books. During this period armies are shown always organised in a First and Second Line, each...
Il primo reggimento di fucilieri Prussiani che faccio ha una bella bandiera verde. La foto di sotto mostra la differenza tra la mitra dei granatieri e quella dei fucilieri, a sinistra. Ecco i dettagli....