Author: parallels


Getting ready for late antiquity battles

Here some photos of my collection of 6mm ancients. All these figures were painted by my late friend Francesco. They are very detailed but needed some effort to have them ready again for the...


American Civil War wagons

Something to remember when I will paint my three Dixon Wagons. Colours were not olive but: Union supply wagons were painted powder blue with bright red wheels


Romans III-VI, up to IX century 6mm

Here my list of late romans in 6mm. This list includes units suitable for the Belisarius campaigns, and later. I like to put units from these many centuries all under the same name of...


Marzo 2025

Appena finito di imbasettare dei carri gotici, da aggiungere ai miei altri 6mm antichi appena finiti. Il lavoro di restauro ed imbasettamento dei pezzi tardo-antichi continua, prevedo 6-700 basi di eserciti romano (tardo imperiale,...


Late antiquity 6mm

I started rebasing Francesco’s 6mm figures from his 6mm ancients collection. I have so far flocked Sassanian noble cavalry, light cavalry, late roman infantry and cavalry, some gothic wagons.


Never Mind the Matchlocks, action in Moëns

Here some photos of the great game we had yesterday, Robert and I. The rules from Andy Callan are rather nice, they feel like playing a large skirmish game. The command system and cards...