by Stuart Salling
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General Robert E. Lee had just defeated Major-General McClellan's Army of the Potomac in the Seven Days Campaign around Richmond. But now Richmond was being threatened from the north by the newly created Army of Virginia under Major-General Pope. To cover the Virginia Central railroad, Lee dispatched Major General. "Stonewall" Jackson with two divisions to Gordonsville and later sending A.P. Hill's light division also. On August 9th, 1862 Jackson clashed with MajorGeneral Bank's Union corps at Cedar Mountain and defeated him. Lee now saw an opportunity to invade enemy territory. Leaving only 25,000 men to guard Richmond against a host of 90,000 Federals, Lee departed with Longstreet's Corps and headed north to join Jackson. On August 25th Jackson headed north to cut off Pope's supplies and communications. This Jackson did beautifully. Cutting east through Thoroughfare Gap in the bull Run Mountains and falling upon Bristoe Station and looting and destroying Pope's mountain of supplies at Manassas Junction. But being pressed by Pope, Jackson fell back to the old battlefield of Bull Run, or Manassas. On August 28th Pope advanced on Jackson and they clashed at Groventon. Jackson fell back to along an unfinished railroad embarkment to await Longstreet. Pope issued orders for an assault upon Jackson the next morning. Can Jackson hold off Pope until Longstreet arrives? Or will Pope overrun Jackson's men and destroy Lee's army piecemeal? That's up to you, the gamer. VICTORY CONDITIONSThe Confederate players can win the battle if they inflict a 40 % loss on the enemy or just hold Pope until Longstreet arrives on the filed. The Union players can win by either beating the Confederates from the field or inflict a 60 % loss to whereas the Confederates will have to withdraw from the field. The scenario will begin at 12:00 in the afternoon, Sigel's corps has just been repulsed and is being held in reserve. The scenario can last to whenever the players choose. That is because Pope was never aware that Longstreet ever arrived on the field and Longstreet never attacked until late than night with Hood's division. So if the players choose not to put a time limit on the scenario that's fine, it'll begin to get dark around 8:00 that evening. TERRAINAll wooded areas on the board are light woods. The only elevated part of the board in the end of Stony Ridge behind the Confederate line. Players should consider the unfinished railroad as light works. In the unfinished railroad there is a spot called "The Dump." This is an opening in the embarkment about 2 to 3 inches. There's also two "cuts" in the railroad. A regiment of infantry can fit in each one of these and is considered to be in medium works. All streams are fordable along every point. CONFEDERATE ORDER OF BATTLEJackson's Corps Major.-Genend. Thomas Jackson
Johnson's Brigade-Col. Bushord Johnson 4 regiments of 300 men each, avg. 1 battalion of 200 men, avg. Taliferro's Brigade-Col. A.G. Taliferro 2 regiments of 300 men each, green and 3 regiments of 300 men each, avg. Staford's Brigade-Col. L.A. Stafford 5 regiments of 300 men each, avg. and 1 battalion of 200 men, avg. Brockenbrough's battery: 1 sec. 3" Rifles, 1 sec. 10# Parrotts. Caskie's Battery: 2 sec. 6 lb. Smoothbores Poague's Battery: 1 sec. 20 lb. Parrotts, 1 sec. 10 lb. Parrotts. Raine's battery: 2 sec. 3 Rifles Wooding's Battery: 1 sec. 10# Parrotts, 1 sec. 12# Nap. Carpenter's Battery: 1 sec. 3" Rifles, 1 sec. 12# Nap. A.P. Hill's Division Maj.-Gen. A.P. Hill
Pender's Brigade-Brig. -Gen. William Pender 4 regiments of 300 men each, avg. Brockenbrough's Brigade-Col. J.M. Brockenbrough 3 regiments of 300 men each, avg. and 1 battalion of 200 men each, avg. Thomas' Brigade-Col. Edward Thomas 4 regiments of 300 men each, avg. Archer's Brigade-Brig.-Gen. J.J. Archer 4 regiments of 300 men each, avg. and 1 battalion of 200 men, avg. Gregg's Brigade-Brig.-Gen. Maxey Gregg 5 regiments of 300 men each, avg. Braxton's Battery: 1 sec. 3 " Rifles, 2 sec. 6 lb. Smoothbores.. Crenshaw's Battery: 1 sec. 12 lb. Howitzer, 1 sec. 6 lb. Smoothbores. McIntosh's Battery: 1 sec. 12 lb. Nap., 1 sec. 12 lb. Howitzer. Pegram's battery: 1 sec. 10 lb. Parrotts, 1 sec. 12 lb. Napoleons Lawton's Division Brig.-Gen. A.R. Lawton
Trimble's Brigade-Brig.-Gen. Isaac Trimble 4 regiments of 300 men each, avg. and 1 battalion of 200 men, avg. Early's Brigade-Brig.-Gen. Jubal Early 4 regiments of 300 men each, avg. and 3 regiments of 200 men each, avg. Forno's Brigade-Col. Henry Forno 5 regiments of 300 men each, avg. D'Aquin's Battery: 1 sec. . 10 lb. Parrotts , 1 sec. 12 lb. Nap. Johnson's Battery: 1 sec. 3" Rifles, 1 sec. 6 lb. Smoothbores. UNION ORDER OF BATTLEARMY OF VIRGINIA-Maj.-Gen. John Pope First Army Corps Maj. -Gen. Franz Sigel First Division-Brig.-Gen. Robert Schenck
Second Brigade-Col. Nathaniel McLean 4 regiments of 500 men each avg. K, I, lst Ohio Artillery: Third Army Corps Maj. Gen. S.P. Heintzelman (detached from Army of the Potomac) Phillip Kearny
Second Brigade-Brig.-Gen. David Birney 4 regiments of 500 ment each avg. and 2 regiments of 400 men each, avg. and 1 regiment of 700 men, avg. Third Brigade-Col. Orlando Poe 4 regiments of 500 men each, avg. and 1 regiment of 600 men, avg. Second Division Maj.-Gen. Joseph Hooker
Second Brigade-Col. Nelson Taylor 4 regiments of 500 men each avg and 1 regiment of 600 men, avg. Third Brigade-Col Joseph Carr 5 regiments of 600 men each avg. and 1 regiment of 700 men, avg. Ninth Army Corps Maj. -Gen. Jesse Reno
Second Brigade-Col. Danieul Leasure 2 regiments of 800 men each, avg. Third Brigade-Col. Addison Farnsworth 2 regiemtns of 800 men each, avg. Second Division Maj. -Gen. Jesse Reno
Second Brigade-Col. Edward Ferrero 3 regiments of 700 men each, avg. DEPLOYMENTCONFEDERATES Starke's division will be placed along the unfinished railroad from C, 1 to C,3. (Reserve regiments, batteries or brigades not in line may be placed in the woods behind the railroad. Lawton's division will be deployed along the unfinished railroad from C,4-C,5 and C,6. the same goes for reserve or other units as in Starke's division. Hill's division is going to be put from the tip of B,6 through B,7-B,8 and the corner of B,9. Reserves deploy anywhere behind the division. UNION: Schenck's Division: off board as reserves
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