By Paul Crouch
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With the recent commemoration of the 125th anniversary of the American Civil War and the large and well attended reenactments of the war's major battles, throughout the country. There seems to have been a resurgence amongst Historical Miniatures games and manufacturers for this period. As evidenced by the number of new figure lines and rule sets which have been released in the last year. Battle Honours, of England, is one of the manufacturers who released a new line of 15mm ACW figures last year. Battle Honours line is well rounded with a selection of infantry, cavalry, and artillery. the infantry come in the usual poses of advancing, kneeling, loading, and firing. They're dressed out in a variety of uniforms and equipment, which are historically accurate, with figures wearing frock coats, shell jackets, sack coats, kepi, or hat with or without blanket rolls. Also included are the U.W. Regulars and the ever popular and colorful Zouaves. I received two of the three available Zouave packs, and all of these figures are topped off with the traditional fez for head gear. I don't have any of the cavalry figures available yet, to report on first hand, but I did see the preproduction figures at Cold Wars last year. And what I saw looked very good. Battle Honours lists twelve packs available for mounted and dismounted troopers. Again the figures are equipped with sabre, carbine, pistol or shotgun, wearing hat or kepi, and the dismounted troopers are posed either .firing or loading, with some kneeling or standing. The artillery pieces available are U.S. or C.S. Napoleons, 10 lb Parrot, and 3 inch rifle. Also there are limbers, cassions, and crews in hat or kepi. The figures are a true 15 mm (top of base to eye level) making the average figure height 18mm (top of base to top of head.) They will mix very well with Old Glory, Stone Mountain, Mini Figs, and/ or Frontier figures with little noticeable difference, as they're well proportioned. Battle Honours' figures are cast in pewter which yields excellent detail on all the figures with little or no flash. The figures are smooth having very little wrinkle or fold detail in the uniform, but the detail between pieces of equipment are crisp and clean. Most of the 19 infantry packs come with two different poses and artillery crews with two four man crews. Command packs have four each of officer, standard bearer, and drummer each in two different poses. The Generals pack has three different poses, and horses must be ordered separately for all mounted figures. each pack contains 10 figures/horses and are priced at $4 each, except artillery crews which are $3.50 each. artillery packs also retail at $4 each with three pieces per pack. Battle Honours figures are available from two locations in the USA, Battle honors USA, 17 Ridge Rd, Budd Lake, NJ 07828, Tel. (201) 691-2423 or The Emperor's Headquarters, 5744 W. Irving Park Rd. Chicago, IL 60634, Tel. 1-800-593-2452 or (312) 777- 8664. These figures are really nice and would make a fine addition to your battle lines. I personally would like to see the variety of Zouaves expanded on, not only be battle Honours, but all the manufacturers of ACW figures, so what do you say, ya'll. Back to The Zouave Vol VI No. 1 Table of Contents Back to The Zouave List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1992 The American Civil War Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |