by Brian Scherzer
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As promised in an earlier issue, the first addition "module" for Shenandoah: An ACW Miniatures Campaign System is now ready for sale to our members. We plan to put out several modules over a period of time, each allowing the purchaser to fight campaigns in certain areas of the war front. The current release, The Peninsula Module, covers the area fought over in the Peninsula Campaign. Players may either use the actual forces, or can generate through Shenandoah's random system armies for each side. The package includes two large campaign maps and the necessary supplemental rules to allow conversion of the basic rules for this campaign. The cost is $5.00 (U.S. funds), with checks being made out to IHP, Inc. and sent to the Society address. Yes, although we have sold out of copies of Shenandoah, it is at present being reprinted and will be available again by the time you read this magazine. The cost is still $10 plus shipping ($1 in the U.S., $1.50 to Canada, and $2.00 overseas). Also, back issues of all three previous volumes of The Zouave can be purchased for $15 each for Vols. II and III, and $20 for xerox copies of Vol. I (this volume has 6 issues). Finally, Advance The Colors is now available to the general public and to our members for $10.00, postage included. Flag Project Our thanks to Jim McCarron for his kind donation of $50 towards our flag project fund. He and Stone Mountain Miniatures (his company) have done much through the years to get our Society off of the ground. New Shop Soldier World U.S.A. has now set up a new shop that sounds to be quite large. Located in Radford, Virginia, the new location will carry over 50,000 figures and will have a gaming area and club. Soldier World is currently sponsoring a Shenandoah campaign. You might drop in to see the new location on Radford Street! B<>Tacticon '90 The Denver Gamers Association presents Tacticon '90, which will be held at the Sheraton Hotel of Lakewood on Sept. 14-16th. There will be a variety of miniatures events, with pre-registration being $15 for the weekend. For more info contact the Denver Garners Assoc.: P.O. Box 440058, Aurora, CO 80044 or call (303) 680-7824. Member Survey The results from our member survey are now in, with a fair number of members having responded to the questionnaire. We will run a survey on an annual basis to help us know what kinds of articles are going to appeal to the majority of the membership. The sampling on the returns show the following: 1. Most of our members use Johnny Reb rules, but On To Richmond follows closely behind. While a minority, a lot of members do use Stars 'N Bars, while there are still a few die-hard Rally Round The Flag gamers out there. 2. 15mm ACW figures lead the pack by a landslide. 3. It would appear that we need some larger scale scenarios, as many of our members appear to have fairly large groups to game with, although a number of people either solo game or have only one other person. 4. The comments on desired articles for the future were so diverse that there were really no leaders. The majority of respondents wanted painting guides and tips, rule clarifications on OTR and JR. more flag and uniform descriptions, cavalry info and scenarios, combined operations scenarios, and a request for a new 50:1 scale ACW rules set. 5. The articles most enjoyed by our readers were (in descending order): To The Dunker Church by Rod Thayer, The Orphan Brigade history and Orphan Brigade scenario at Wayne's Hill by Rod Thayer, The Orphan Brigade at Chickamauga by Brian Scherzer, The New York flag descriptions by Ryan Toews, using a cavalry brigade for hit and run tactics by Brian Scherzer, and the 1st Missouri Brigade by Bill Winter. Our congratulations to Rod Thayer for having the three top ranked articles in last year's issues of The Zouave! Back to The Zouave Vol IV No. 2 Table of Contents Back to The Zouave List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1990 The American Civil War Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |