By Brian R. Scherzer
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The ACW Society is offering its members a special pre—publication price for the new skirmish level rules set being written by Brian Scherzer. The expected release date for the new rules is January 31, 1990 at a retail price of $10 per copy. Our discounted offer (members only!) is $7.50, shipping included, with the offer being good until December 31st. ADVANCE THE COLORS is a skirmish rules set with a ratio of one casting equaling one actual combatant. While intended for 15mm figures, conversion ratios are given for 25mm, 10mm, and 5mm scales. These rules were written with historical accuracy and playability in mind. Simple in concept, a tremendous amount of research went into the effort, including such factors as killed to wounded ratio, probability of hitting a target at several distances under stress (this was accomplished by finding the total ammunition used by certain regiments at various battles where the distance from the enemy was well known), and the ability to stand up to fire and melee in various conditions. Having used a computer to establish probabilities and statistics for the different tables, the game should come close to approaching actual battle results — but of course, there's always that random modifier to prevent the outcome from being too predictable! ADVANCE THE COLORS places you in the position of being a colonel leading your favorite regiment. Movement and fire is by company, with each company having its own line officers and NCO's. Your field officers (Colonel, Lt. Col., and Major) and line officers (Captains, 1st Lieuts., and 2nd Lieuts.) are quite important to your tactics, since each has a skill and morale rating which effects the troops being led by them. Of course, great emphasis is placed on the color guard protecting the units flags! It is anticipated that there will be additional published works, either in THE ZOUAVE or separate booklets, that will cover some of the more popular regiments. These lists will detail each officer that served in the regiments, with the appropriate ratings for skill and morale benefits. The actual rules booklet will contain a system for organizing your own regiment and, if desired, having it fight several battles as if in a campaign, carrying casualties forward to the next battle and receiving occasional recruits on a random basis to offset some of the losses. Officers and troops gain experience points for improved skill, depending their battle performance. The author's concept was to involve a player in a particular regiment that he develops pride in over a period of time, getting to "know" his subordinate officers and men. While there is little or no grief when losing castings in other rules sets, having a favored officer killed, or suffering large losses among your men can be a heavy blow. Of course, this is offset to some extent (as in real warfare) by watching other officers and men move up the ranks based on their actions in battle. We will even have reproduction documents from authentic originals available for field promotions, commissions for higher rank, and for gallant conduct. These can be ordered separately, have blank spaces to put in the name of a particular combatant, and are finely done. Figures already based for most of the popular rules sets will not have to be rebased for ADVANCE ThE COLORS. However, some additional solo based officer castings will be needed for captains and field grade officers. Develop pride in your own regiment and order ADVANCE THE COLORS today! Checks should be made out to "ACW SOCIETY" and sent to the Society address as listed on page 2 of THE ZOUAVE. Canadian members should add 50 cents (total of $8) for postage, while overseas members need to add $1 (total of $8.50). We believe that this rules set will be a welcome relief from boredom, having broken new ground for the ACW wargamer. Remember, checks must be received at this address by December 31st to get the special member's rate! Back to The Zouave Vol III No. 3 Table of Contents Back to The Zouave List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1989 The American Civil War Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |