by Brian R. Scherzer
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Fortune seems to be on our side once again in the fact that we have another fine brigade history to offer our readers, this issue's being by Bill Winter on the Missouri Brigade. For the first time in a while, we don't have a scenario to go with our brigade history. However, I refer our readers to Ryan Toew' s scenario on the battle of Big Black River Bridge in Vol. I, #6, which includes the Missouri Brigade. We have included a "make your own" scenario, which can be used with any rules set, such scenarios having been requested several times. It is meant to be a do—or—die battle, with orders to "clear the field at any cost". Have fun with it! We are again in need of good articles for future issues. While there are still a few sitting in the bin, I never feel comfortable until the bin is almost overflowing with yet to be published material. We are still especially in need of scenarios geared to ON TO RICHMOND and for regimental or brigade histories. Articles currently in the works include material on using cavalry on the table, a history of the 8th Vermont with a scenario covering its heroic stand at the battle of Cedar Creek, and more flag illustrations. I have included a proposal for a new rules set (page 16) that hopefully will be of interest to many of our members. It is going to be a 1:1 figure ratio that will require each participant to field about 300 figures to make up their regiment. I am hoping that we get the kind of membership interest that was received for our campaign system. Please write in if interested, and if enough people seem to want it, more information will be published in the future. We usually don't comment on other miniature related magazines, but I never cease to be amazed at the fine job Midwest Wargamers Digest is doing covering many periods of gaming. I have seen very few issues that don't contain something of interest to the ACW gamer. Six issues per year cost $15, and can be ordered by sending a check to: Hal Thinglum I 22554 Pleasant Dr. I Richton Park, IL 60471. Also of potential interest to ACW boardgamers is the magazine, Volunteers, published quarterly for $10. To order, send a check to Bill Koff 1146 Chimney Lane / Wilmington, NC 28403. Back to The Zouave Vol III No. 2 Table of Contents Back to The Zouave List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1989 The American Civil War Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |