by Ivor Janci
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Huzzah! The first issue of the new ZOUAVE is finally in your hands! I do want to thank all of you that have waited patiently for this issue. As many of you may have read in my occasional messages on the internet ( and the Fire & Fury Mailing List (, it has been a grand, time-consuming job to redesign the format of the magazine. Besides, there's the constant attention to running a graphic design studio, the random problems with computers and software (computers: can't live with them, can't live without them) as well as... well, you get the picture. I do hope that this issue convinces you that the wait was worth it. My plan is to 'fast-track' the production of the next (Summer) issue such that it'll ship in July. In fact, I'd like to have it ready by Historicon (July 22-26, 1998, in Lancaster, PA), so if you're planning on coming to Historicon, you could pick up your copy then. I'll be sharing a booth with Herb Gundt of H. G. WALLS, so please come by to say hello. Now, let me say a few words about the ever important contributors who have articles in this issue. First, I should say that I was pleasantly surprised by how many contributions came forth since the first of the year. My decision to go with the recent submissions (versus those in a backlog file) was that they were accompanied with photographs as well as maps. Using higher-re solution, full-color printing for the magazine, will allow me to print photographs as close to the originals as possible and in color. This will encourage all of you to submit photographs, as well as colored maps and illustrations, along with your articles. The first feature article is from our premier designer of many game systems, including our favorite, JOHNNY REB (versions 1 through 3), John Hill. John has provided us with an excellent scenario, good for introducing new players, on the Battle of ArrowField Church in 1864. I saw John at Cold Wars and was happy to see that he's feeling great after winning his battle with a heart attack. We took time at Cold Wars to get to know each other, and I found his knowledge about 'ol 'Beast' Ben Butler fascinating. He has a few projects already on the dock for future issues, so John is here to stay! The second article is by Tom Faulkner about a Fire & Fury game that he participated in. Tom not only provided text but photos and maps that I think enhance his report on General Lee's victory at that crossroads in Pennsylvania. The reader (whether from the south or north) will enjoy his report. I hope to see more from Tom's pen (or rather his computer.) The next article is a real treat, for it is scenario for a new set of rules on the market that was introduced to the hobby as of last year: A NATION ON TRIAL. The author of the rules and of the enclosed scenario, Jim Dietz of jolly Roger Games, even has a scenario booklet available called BLOW! BUGLES! BLOW! Jim has indicated that there'll be more articles coming from his company. Bill Miller's scenario of the Baffle of Ball's Bluff follows. It's from his recently published scenario booklet, DRUM BEATS, available direct from him. Then we have another Bluff article - a postbattle article on a game of Drewry's Bluff, by long-standing contributor George Anderson, all the way from Scotland. Want to know how to make those fences that Buford's troopers used at Gettysburg? Doug Mine, of BATTLEFIELD TERRAIN CONCEPTS, has provided an in-depth article on terrain making with more to follow in the future. Right after Doug's article is Yours Truly's introduction to his own skirmish rules set, BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER. Hard on the heels of that article is Canadian Curt Campbell's excellent review of recent ACW figures from THE FOUNDRY. Curt and his lovely wife, Sarah, visited my wife, Frani, and I last March, and a bloody fine couple they are. You'll see more from this prolific archivist/gamer. Miniature gamers and ACW enthusiasts all, enjoy the read, and drop me a line letting me know what you think of the magazine. Oh, and let me know what you'd like to see in future issues as well. Thank you, friends. Other News
Dave Reynolds of THE COMMAND POST, who has given me a good deal of help in the transition of owner ship of the ZOUAVE. Dave also has a website at AOL:
Bev & Karl Krueger of THE LAST SQUARE, who'll be carrying the magazine in their fine retail store in Madison, Wisconsin. Not only do they have wargame figures, books and supplies, they also carry fine art prints from the leading military artists of our time. Their url is the following: Russ Lockwood of MAGWEB. His website has back issues of the ZOUAVE to peruse. Subscription info at I'd like to thank Hal Thinglum, publisher of MIDWEST WARGAMERS ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER (more fondly known as MWAN) for the support he has extended in his magazine. Finally, thank you one and all, and I apologize if I've missed anyone out there. Back to The Zouave Vol XII No. 1 Table of Contents Back to The Zouave List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 The American Civil War Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |