article and map layout by Dale Bley
color map by Scott Tully Design
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Longstreet's en echelon attack jumped off about 30 minutes ago with the advance of Hood's division on the far right of the Confederate line. Gen. Law, fearing an unequal contest, has detached two regiments to support portions of Robertson's Brigade, which has veered off from the round tops towards the rough ground to their left. Gen. Benning's Brigade is just preparing to move. The time is 4:30pm. The game begins at 4:30 p.m. and lasts for a maximum of 15 turns, or about 2.5 hours. All woods are considered light. The rocky area at Devil's Den is considered Rough Ground. Plum Run is a fordable water obstacle. Houck's Ridge is a Rolling hill. Use the standard victory conditions on page 41 of the FIELDS OF HONOR rulebook. There are two "objective flags" on Houck' Ridge and one at Devil's Den. Do not use the following orders: Ambush, Patrol, Scout, and Seek Targets of Opportunity and do not use the Freak Event Table. Orders for units under direct brigade command are automatically received. To change orders of any of the supporting units, both Union and Confederate brigade commanders or messengers must make contact with the regiment (per the standard rules). UNION UNITS Union units have various standing orders and activation numbers at game start:
CONFEDERATE UNITS Confederate units have similar restrictions:
AUTHORS NOTES I did this scenario using the "company" level scale in FIELDS OF HONOR but had to fudge the scale some because of the manner in which my figures are mounted. In reality, an inch equals about 20 yards so the fire ranges should be halved, i.e., Springfield ranges would be 7/14/28/56. Modify the artillery range bands as well. Rather than give the number of stands in each unit, I have given the regimental strength after the unit designation. Have fun and if you have any questions, contact me through the ZOUAVE or e-mail me at this address Union
MAP NOTES Each square is 1 foot so the game table is 7x 6'. The fence running from about the middle of 3-4 towards the middle of 4-5 is a stone wall. The other lines are wooden fences. The entire wooded area is considered Rose Woods. The high ground where Ward's Brigade is deployed is Houck's Ridge. The detached section of Smith's Battery should be positioned so it can fire through the Plum Run Valley if the Alabama regiments emerge from the woods into that area. The 44th Alabama is deployed in line, not column, and is facing the 48th Alabama. ![]() Back to The Zouave Number 50 Table of Contents Back to The Zouave List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 The American Civil War Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |