by Ivor Janci
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The new year started out with a blast of canister called reality. Our design studio lost a key person, which impacted my priorities with our different businesses. What with advertising and interviewing for a designer, preparing tax information for the accountant, and general administrative demands placed on me, it delayed this magazine from being released. I'm very sorry about this, but I do feel that with the next issue, number 50, the magazine will be back on schedule. Again, I appreciate everyone's patience during these growing pains. Before I comment on the contents of this issue, I should state that this issue, number 49, follows the last issue that was titled as the Summer '98 issue. Also, this issue has 4 additional pages! That said, let's introduce who and what's in this new issue. No doubt you've noticed the great action photo gracing the cover. Last year I had the pleasure of meeting Toby Barrett of THOROUGHBRED FIGURES. Not only is Toby one of the nicest people in our hobby, he manufacturers some eye-popping beautiful miniature 1/600 scale ACW naval ships. I was so impressed with the quality that I recently bought a few of the pewter naval models from THE LAST SQUARE. I can't wait to assemble and paint them. After seeing a recent ZOUAVE, Toby was so excited that he submitted some photos that he had taken, one of which you see on the cover. You'll find another of his color photos illustrating our lead-off article penned by new subscriber John McBride. John reviews a set of naval wargame rules from England called SMOKE ON THE WATER. Besides Toby's photos, John's article is illustrated with color photos taken by Joel Gregory, of MERRIMACK MINIATURES, showing his excellent 15mm resin ships. The naval aspect of the ACW is well served by these two manufacturers. The next article is our feature article weighing in at 12-pages from gaming-mad Tom Faulkner. it is a FIRE & FURY scenario for the Battles at South Mountain (Turner and Fox's Gaps.) Tom provides background history, rosters, special rules and set-up information -- everything except for the 'cee-gars' that would have come wrapped with Lee's Order 191. 1 didn't have a chance to attend COLD WARS this year, but I understand that Tom's South Mountain game was well attended. We hope that he'll be able to provide a battlereport of that game. FYI: Tom is planning on doing a big FIRE & FURY game on the Battle of Fredericksburg at HISTORICON in July. If you're planning on attending and would like to play in his game, please contact him at or drop me a note in the mail and I'll forward it to Tom. Oh, and I have to say this: Tom just started playing historical miniature games a year or so ago, and we're lucky to have such an eager recruit in the hobby. After Tom's article comes one by veteran gamer George Anderson. He provides background to a regimental scenario that will appear in issue 50. George writes about Bragg's 'defeat' at McLemore's Cove, and puts forth that we can't place the blame entirely on Bragg. JOHNNY REB designer John Hill was kind to provide photos for George's article from a Battle for McLemore's Cove that he had done. Many of you may know of George as the co-author with Ryan Toews of the 8- volume ACW SCENARIOS AND CAMPAIGNS (sold through THE LAST SQUARE.) Charles (Charlie) Johnson-Bennett follows with something different. How many of us know that, during the ACW, there was a Sioux Uprising primarily in Minnesota? I'm please to have included in this issue the first of several scenarios for skirmish-gaming this part of our history. Charlie provides background information as well as supplemental rules for use with the BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER rules (published by H.G. Walls & Strategem Publications Ltd.) I believe that 25mm figures representing the Indians are available from J&T MINIATURES, FOUNDRY, LTD. and OLD GLORY. Maybe Charlie can do a figure review for a future issue. Speaking of reviews, following Charlie's article are several from Review Editor Curt Campbell. Product samples sent to the ZOUAVE are increasing, and Curt has reviews with some great photos of recent offerings from four manufacturers. 25mm figures from REDOUBT ENTERPRISES and THE FOUNDRY, LTD, as well as 1/600 naval models from Toby's THOROUGHBRED FIGURES and something really new from the 'Land Down Under', 6-10mm painted terrain from MINIATURE WORLD MAKER. Manufacturers and designers are encouraged to send in their review samples to either the ZOUAVE or directly to Curt Campell. Curt loves getting packages in his mailbox up there in Canada! So dear reader, I hope that you enjoy this issue, and that you'll be suitably inspired to contribute articles for a future issue. Keep sending in your letters, notes and announcements. Last but not least, I sincerely give my thanks to the contributors for their hard-earned efforts. If you see them at a future convention or symposium, please tell them how much you enjoyed reading their articles or seeing their photographs in the ZOUAVE. UNITED KINGDOM DISTRIBUTOR/DEALER, ROBINSON IMPORTS, RETIRES With regret, I was informed last month by Cameron Robinson, of Robinson Imports, that he can no longer be the distributor of the ZOUAVE in the United Kingdom due to personal health reasons and a soft hobby market. I wish the best to Cameron, and pray that his situation will improve. ABOVE OR BELOW THE MASON-DIXON LINE You will notice that this issue does not have an article from Doug Kline (BATTLEFIELD TERRAIN CONCEPTS.) Doug has been busy but not necessarily with making terrain. He and his wife, Karen, had a baby girl late last year, so he's taken a short-term leave. join me in wishing Doug and Karen's new 'littlest Zouave', Kaeleigh, the best of health and happiness. Doug will be back next issue with an article on the different buildings & terrain items that MUSKET MINIATURES has available for ACW gaming. For the 25mm gamer, Doug Carroccio, of MINIATURE SERVICE CENTER (U.S. importer of the REDOUBT ENTERPRISES' figures) and Steven Phillips, of the FIRING LINE in Arizona, both report that there are new items added to their catalogs. REDOUBT had just released (among other things) the first pack of their new Zouaves while FIRING LINE will be adding more to their skirmishing poses. See their ads for info on how to contact them. Issue 50 & 51 will have reviews of the FIRING LINE Zouaves and limber as well as the new Command, Casualties and firing Artillerist packs from REDOUBT. If you're an enthusiast of the large 25mm figures, or are thinking of becoming one, you should consider both of these fine figure manufacturers. I had only two hours to attend the LITTLE WARS convention last Spring, but I did see Joel Gregory of MERRIMACK MINIATURES. He had a beautifully painted TYLER that is in my collection now. Joel also donated some of his new 25mm offerings from his CONNOISSEUR range. which can be used as game markers. Look for a review of these in the next issue. This month Joel announced that he has available a new City-class ship in 15mm. With MERRIMACK MINIATURES, one can finally do a land and sea assault on shore forts such as Fort Fisher. As you may already know, Jim Dietz' A NATION ON TRIAL, Rich Hasenaurs FIRE & FURY and John Hill's JOHNNY REB rules are well represented in the magazine, and will continue to do so (one example, John is working on a Siege of Petersburg article for a future Zouave.) This august group will have new additions in the upcoming issues of the ZOUAVE. Dale Bley contributed a scenario for use with FIELDS OF HONOR, a favorite of THE LAST SQUARE. Terry Cabak sent in his rules, FIX BAYONETS, and will follow it up with an article or scenario. I've been in touch with Stephen Phenow, co-author of MR. LINCOLN'S WAR, and we may see articles on that new rules set. If anyone knows of any other rules, please let me know about them. Bill Miller will be back next issue with a well-illustrated regimental scenario for the Battle of Secessionville, South Carolina. Last Fall, a new historical miniature gaming and collector's shop opened near Chicago. MEN AT ARMS, created and managed by longtime gamer Bill Krieg, sells not only historical miniatures (such as REDOUBT and FOUNDRY) for gaming, but also accessories, collectible figures, fine military art and more. He also sells painted figures on consignment. If you're in the Chicagoarea, drop by to see his beautiful and well-organized store. Less than a halfhour from O'Hare Airport, MEN AT ARMS is located at 309 S. Westmore Ave., Lombard, IL 60148. Call Bill for his hours at 630.889.9606 or email him at Tell him that the ZOUAVE sent you. Since I'm near the end of my space, let me say that the ZOUAVE will be adding at least 4 pages for a letter section, advertising and more. The magazine is growing steadily, with more exciting articles coming to you. Huzzah! Huzzah! Back to The Zouave No. 49 Table of Contents Back to The Zouave List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 The American Civil War Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |