by Bill Brierton
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SJ Games announces Jewelry LicenseSteve Jackson Games has reached an agreement with Georgia Panaritis for the production of fine pewter, silver and gold jewelry based on several SJ Games products. "This is something we've never really done before, and we think our fans will like it a lot," said Micah Jackson, Director of Licensing and New Media. "When I saw some of her previous work, I knew that she would do a great job." The first pieces Panaritis produces will be for In Nomine and Illurnunati, including the famous eye-in-the-pyramid logo and the In Nomine "burning feather," plus individual choir and band logos. The pieces will be available as pendants or pins (in silver or gold), as well as pewter key mugs. "We've got a little something for everybody, " Jackson said. The jewelry will be available in time for Christmas, and will be sold through regular SJ Games distribution channels, as well as from their Direct Mail department. Corsair to Publish Archangel's Quick-ItsOctober 17, (Madison, WI) - Cosair publishing, LLC and Archangel Entertainment announced today that they have completed an agreement whereby Corsair will publish Quick-its products developed by Archangel. Quick-its are complete role-playing game available in a number of genres. The first four Quick-its include horror, pulp adventure, pirates, and cowboy role-playing games. All Quick-its are 32 pages and retail for $8.95. Jon Leitheusser, Creative Director and owner of Corsair, stated "Archangel has produced a number of creative products, we were glad Ken Whitman chose us when he was looking for a publisher of his Quick-its line of role-playing games. Garners have been looking for fun and inexpensive games, and Quick-its offers both in a variety of genres. " Ken Whitman, President of Archangel Entertainment, noted "With so many good ideas it was impossible to release everything we had planned. Working with Corsair to publish one of our lines was a winning proposition for everyone." Corsair Publishing debuted at the GAMA tradeshow in March of 1997. Its organization is unique to the industry in that it actively searched out authors and produces their games while the designer retains ownership of the property. This method of publishing is a staple of the literary market, but is new to the gaming industry. Corsair Publishing is a trademark of Corsair Publishing, LLC (c) Corsair Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Archangel Entertainment, QUICK-MM S, are trademarks owned by Archangd Entertainment. (C) 1997 Archangel Entertainment. All rights reserved. Interesting WoTC Announcement: Card Game PatentWizards of the Coast Inc. Granted patent of trading card games: October 15, 1997 (Renton, WA)Ähas been granted a patent on the Trading Card Game Method of Play by the U.S. Patent Office. Richard Garfield commented, "Traditionally, it has been difficult for game designers to receive patents on their inventions. Most game patents have been granted on the mechanical devices included with the games. This trading card game patent, one of the few granted on the basis of the method of play, is a victory for game designers everywhere. It recognizes the tremendous research, abstract thinking and creativity of serious game designers, and validate the originality of their inventions." "We hope," Garfield continued, "that this results in renewed enthusiasm to create original games that entertain and challenge the minds of people who enjoy playing games. " Wizards of the Coast had developed a licensing program to permit others to use the patent. Wizards of the Coast, President and Chief Executive Officer peter Adkison remarked, "Certainly, the ability to be compensated by others who incorporate our patented method of play into their games is important. But at the same time, Wizards of the Coast fundamentally believes in the free flow of ideas and the continued growth of the game business." Adkison continued, "It is significant that an entire industry of trading card game publishers and manufactures has grown out of the success of the Magic: The Gathering game, and we have no intention of stifling that. Therefore, we are endeavoring to create a fair and reasonable royalty structure." For example, Adkison explained that companies who enter into a license agreement prior to the end of the year will not be charged royalties for sales prior to January l, 1998. Wzards is also offenng a royalty discount for every company that comes forward to license its trading card game products prior to January l, 1998. Details of the license will be available at the Wizards website or by contacting Brian Lewis in Wizards' Legal Department. Wizards of the Coast and Magic: The Gathering are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast Inc. All Rights Reserved. Event Horizon Publications Releases CargoSept. 23, (Council Bluffs, IA)- Event Horizon Publications announces the release of the playslip game CARGO FROM A DISTANT LAND. The first scenarios "Cargo from a Distant Land: Jaws of Ruin" and "Cargo for a Distant Land: The Exile" can be played separately or combined. "RPGs and CCG's have touched upon the epic genre, but Cargo from a Distant Land is the first PSG (playslip game) set on Earth in a post- apocalyptic setting," said Publisher Brian Wyant, "By the time the story unfolds, the apocalypse has subsided with elements of the future and the past combined in some surprising ways." Cargo from a Distant Land and Playslip are trademarks of Event Honzon Publications. All Rights Reserved Patricia Pulling founder of BADD dies at 49Patricia Ann Pulling, who began a crusade to educate the public about the occult and its possible negative influences on teen-agers, died October 15 of cancer at the age of 49. Mrs. Pulling founded BADD, Bothered About Dungeons and Dragons, after her son, Irving Lee "Bink" Pulling II, became deeply involved in the role-playing game and committed suicide in June of 1982. She began to draw attention to the theory of Satanic cults that recruited children and in 1984 became a licensed private investigator. Five years later she wrote the book "The Devil's Web: Who is Stalking Your Children for Satan?" Known nationally as an expert on the occult, she testified in capital murder trials and appeared on television, including the "Oprah Winfrey Show." "Geraldo," "60 Minutes" and "Larry King Live," to talk about teens involved in Satanic worship. She spoke on more than 200 radio shows and was the subject of numerous local and national news articles. "She never set out to ban anything, she only wanted to educate parents," said her husband Irving Lee Pulling. In a 1990 interview, Mrs. Pulling said "I do not believe (cult involvement) is an epidemic problem but it is very widespread." She was presented several citations and award from police organizations, including the Kentucky Colonel Award, that state's highest civilian honor, for her wore A native of Richmond, VA, Mrs. Pulling served stateside in the Army during the Vietnam War and was active in local Republican politics. She also was a board member of the National Coalition on TV Violence. At the time of her death, she was a real estate agent for the Eudaily Company and a commissioner for the Old Dominion Girls' Softball League. Reorganization at The ArmoryThe Roy Lipman Organization, Inc. T/A The Armory is pleased to announce that a majority stake of the company has been purchased by Daniel Hirsh and Charles Tyson. Mr. Hirsh, who has been acting President since June, has officially succeeded Max Lipman as President and CEO. Mr. Tyson has taken the positions of Chairman and CFO. Additionally, David Cooke, who has been the company's general manager for two years, has been promoted to Executive Vice President. Says Mr. Hirsh, "We are extremely excited to take this step. Charlie and I have been on the retail side of this business for many years and it was clear to us that the Armory is a tremendous asset. We're going to be very aggressive with all aspects of the company. I think both retailers and manufactures will see some startling changes over the next year in information sharing, sales assistance, ordering technology, fill rates, and order accuracy. " He went on to say, "Max Lipman and his senior management have done an outstanding job of building this company. We are ready to take their accomplishments and build the distributor of the future an while Max has decided to relinquish control he will still be here to *nsure a smooth transition and to help is implement our strategies." SJ Games Acquires Traveller LicenseSJ Games Announces GURPS Traveller. Steve Jackson Games is proud that it has acquired the rights to create a GURPS version of the classic Traveller, the oldest and most popular outer-space role-playing game ever. "This is something we and our fans have wanted for a long, long time," Steve Jackson said. "I'm very happy to finally be able to do it, especially since we'll be working with the same people who made Traveller great in the first place." Long-time Traveller editor and writer Loren Wiseman will serve as Line Editor for the GURPS Traveller series of books and will wnte the first release. "Loren and (Traveller original author) Marc Miller are tbe real deal," Managing Editor Scott Haring said. "With their help, we're going to do books that the die-hard fans will love." The license from Sweetpea Entertainment--owners of Traveller after the original publishers Game Designer's Workshop went out of business in 1995--sets GURPS Traveller in an "alternate timeline" from the one currently being published by Impenum Games. Haring said, "In our timeline, Emperor Strephon doesn't get assassinated, and the virus' that was the entire basis for Traveller: The New Era did not devastate the Imperium. Our timeline is a continuation of the original Traveller, through with Wiseman and Miller's help we'll be taking it in some interesting directions." The first GURPS Traveller volume will include a description of the basic Traveller gameword, GURPS rules for characters, equipment and spacecraft of the Traveller universe, and conversation rules between the two systems. "We want players to be able to convert any Traveller material-and there's a lot of it out thereÄto GURPS right off the bat, and we want Traveller players to be able to play in our alternate timeline," Haring said. The first GURPS Traveller release is tentatively scheduled for an early 1998 release. Scheduling for subsequent books in the series is yet to be determined. Traveller is a registered trademark of Sweetpea Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. West End Games Renews Star Wars LicenseHonesdale, PA: West End Games announced that it has reached agreement with Lucasfilm to renew the Star Wars role-playing game license through 1999, the year the first Star Wars prequel movie is slated to be released. "This is not just a question of the new movies," said Daniel Scott Palter, West End's president and publisher. "The story continues in the classic era and beyond, and we want to give the players the chance to experience it in all eras." West end is already finalizing its production schedules for 1998 and 1999. "It feels good to be charting this course," said Eric Trautmann, Star Wars line editor. "As a longtime fan of the movies and the game, it feels great to be so integrally involved in the Star Wars License and the role-playing game in particular. " Trautmann will be overseeing the general Star Wars line, with assistance for West End's editorial staff. He will help determine the direction of the game line, and will be working closely with Lucasfilrn approvals personnel. "We seem to be forging a new relationship with Lucasfilm which is challenging and exciting," he said. West End Games plans to continue its schedule of quality Star Wars role-playing game products including publication of the quarterly Official Star Wars Adventure Journal West End is already feverishly working on releases for early 1998, including an Instant Adventures book of Rebel SpecForce missions, Star Wars Adventure Journal #16, and a book of hideouts, bases and strongholds. West End Games is a trademark of West End Games. All Rights Reserved. Star Wars is a trademark of Lucasfilm. All Rights Reserved. Final Revelations Cycle Titles RevealedSteve Jackson Games has announced the titles of the final books in The Revelations Cycle of supplements for the In Nomine role-playing game. "We kept them secret for a while because they gave away more details than we wanted people to know," Managing Editor, Scott Haring said. "But now the time is right." Book IV of The Revelations Cycle will be called Fall of the Malakim. Fall of the Malakim contains write-ups on David and Lilith, an in-depth description of Los Angeles as a setting for the In Nomine role-playing game, and the adventure Fall of the Malakim. Book V of The Revelations Cycle will be called The Final Trumpet. The more militant Superiors on both sides are convinced that the time is right for the final battleArmageddon. Can you or more importantly should you save the world from total destruction. The Final Trumpet has expanded wnte-ups on Michael, Baal, Kobal and Malphas. Two new Superiors are introduced they are Khalid, Archangel of Faith and Magog, Demon Prince of Cruelty. SJ, GURPS and The Revelation Cycle are trademarks of Steve Jackson Games. All Rights Reserved. Announcing: The Power=D6 Role-playing GameBring psychic personae to life in a world fraught with danger. Where hunters stalk the night, eager to add your power to their own. Where government and corporate agents vie for your power to tighten their hold on the psychic empires. Where the chase can lead into your dreams and beyond. This beautiful, fully illustrated, 300-page game book describes everything players and directors need to know about The Power-D6, including detailed rules systems, role- playing hints and in-depth setting information. Included are eleven full-page color plates, two 20-page comic book stories, easy to reference charts to speed up play and an introductory script to jump-start players into the psychic world. Visit the following web site, at Editors Note: This new feature is designed to give you some insight of the part time writers and artists of White Knight. To start it off the first Personnel Profile will be that of yours truly the editor. 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