Make Your Own Army

Figure Conversions: Napoleonic Airfix

by Mike Lockyer

This new series will describe each month how to make or convert a figure (or figures). This month it is by Mike Lockyer, a well known and most competent converter of Airfix figures.

With this as an example, readers are invited to send in their favourite conversion don't forget the illustrations must be in thick black-ink or pencil!

Austrian Fusilier (Line) G/R, Officer and Drummer

Source of figures - W.W.I British O/RS from figure marching rifle slung. Officer from British W.W.I officer.


Take the marching figure trim off cap brim (but leave peak) trim off coat details and front of coat skirts, also water bottle, but leave pack on. Cut off right arm and rifle.

With Evo-stick or similar adhesive stick on arm cut from another figure, (sparesbox is a must). This arm is to be positioned across the figure's chest. When stuck firmly take a hot knife and smooth away all trimmed details also weld right arm into position.

If prior to 1805 or 6 a helmet is made from plasticene, if after this date a bell-topped shako is made, a rolled greatcoat is made from same source, cartouche box from a small piece of card. Musket is made from a thick piece of wire. All plasticene is coated with clear nail varnish to give it a hard surface.

The officer is trimmed as for O/R. His lifted foot is welded back to the base to give it a more stable position. His arms are cut off and stuck then welded to a new position. The sword scabbard is removed and stuck into a new position. It seems the Austrian infantry officers affected cavalry length sword slings, a sash is made from plasticene and scored with a pin to represent the folds. The whole lot is then coated with clear nail varnish.

The officers wore long tailed coats - these coat tails can be made from paper.


Source of figure - W.W.I British signaller.

Trim figure as for O/Rs and officers. Cut off and reposition arms. Cut off flags but leave sticks - these make good drum sticks. Drum is made from a piece of dowelling. Pack, coat roll and water bottle from plasticene covered in nail varnish, sabre from wire.

The resultant figures make a very presentable infantry regiment and fit in very well with metal 20mm figures. Mine fit with my Miniature Figurines very well; all my metal regiments have drummers from Airfix.


As fusiliers but bearskin instead of shako made from plasticene varnished and sprayed with artificial grass when wet. On drying it is painted black and cockade and oak leaf added to right side.

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© Copyright 1970 by Donald Featherstone.
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