by Don Featherstone
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AIRFIX MAGAZINE May 1970 (Monthly 2s.6d. 36s. (U.S.A. $5.50) per anumm from Surridge Dawson and Company (Productions) Ltd., 136/142 New Kent Road, London contains illustrated articles by Roy Dilley on converting Airfix 54mm World dar II figures into German trench raiders of 1917; Scratch-building project of the Armoured Dozer; Wehrmacht Markings; Loyd Carriers; Prussian uniforms of the Seven Week War plus Book Reviews, new kits and other features. HISTORY ILLUSTRATED February 1970. (Monthly except September and March. $10 per annum from Historical Times Inc., Gettysburg, Penn. 17325, Beautifully produced and illustrated, contains excellent articles on General George 0. Marshall; The Battle of Mortain in 1944. Battlefleets: Journal of the Naval Wargames Society March 1970. (Monthly subscription 1 guinea per annum (US $5). McKenzie, 16 Hugo Road, Tufnell Park, London N.11)). Contains notes on pre-World War I Dreadnoughts, World War I Aircraft Rules plus details of new models from Germany. BAYONET February and April 1970. (Journal of the Horse and Nusket Society - bi- monthly 25s per year ($4.50 US) from Famish Fraser, 77 Ramsgate Road, Margate, Kent). Has articles on Indians in the American Civil War; The Crimea War, Zulu War; World War I battle report; World War I Conversions; Advice on painting plus two plates for colouring. The April issue contains articles on Campaigning the American Civil War; The Zulu War; Reviews of Wargames Figures; A Naval Wargames supplement; Painting Horses; Horse Equipment plus two plates for colouring. BRISTOL WARGAMES SOCIETY JOURNAL No.7. (bi-monthly 2s. per copy, 10s. per year, from Steve Curtis, 10 Hurle Crescent, Clifton, Bristol BS8 2TA). Contains articles on Marlborough's Infantry with a plate; The Principles of War; Reviews of board game and news of an Interstellar wargame based on the 100 stars nearest Earth (write to Andrew Barton, 42 Hillier Road, London, S.O.11, if you are interested). THE BULLETIN OF THE, BRITISH MODEL SOLDIER SOCIETY April 1970. (Bi- monthly. Subscription to Society 1. 5s. -d. per annum. S.A.Watkins, Flat 16, 12A Courtfield Gardens, London SW5.) Contains the usual reviews of figures, books and news of the Society's activities together with articles on Painting Flat Figures; The Egyptian Army in 1898; The Roman Legion; and Dress in India pre-1939. THE CANADIAN WARGAMER No.14. (10 issues per annum $2.50) from J.Hutchings, 4578 Brentlawn, Burnaby, B.C., Canada). A large proportion of this issue is taken up with a board game called Riot which seems to deal with street demonstrations. Also articles on Fort Bliss; a Battle Report critiques on board games Stalingrad and the Battle of Britain; an article on the philosophy of wargaming; book Reviews and other features. CIVlL WAR TIMES ILLUSTRATED February 1970. (10 issues per annum 910 from Civil War Times Illustrated, 302 York Street, Gettysburg, Penn. 17325, USA.) As always a mine of information for the American Civil War enthusiasts, containing illustrated articles on the Battle of Rich Mountain; Wheeler's Confederate Cavalry Raids on Union Railroads; Life in the North during the Civil War; and the most interesting article on the books of the Civil War. THE COURIER Bulletin of the New England Wargamers Association - Vol.II: No.l. 6 times per annum $3 USD. 34s. overseas from R. Bryant, 45 Willow Street, Brockton, Mass. 02401, USA) Now getting well into its stride, this fairly new American Wargames magazine contains illustrated articles on The Battle of Leipzig Refought; Assyrian War Equipment in miniature; A Naval Wargame; Colonial Wargames Rules; The Model Generals Club Diplomatic Wargame; Arms and Equipment of the Roman Soldier; Napoleonic Russian Capabilities; and an account of The Carthiginian Wars and a Japanese Military Organisation World War II. DISPATCH Magazine of the Scottish Military Collectors Society &$163 1 (or $3.50 US). subscription per annum from P.G.Pompa, 9 Viewforth, Edinburgh 10, Scotland). Contains articles on French Military Instruments; Wargaming for Beginners; drawing uniform plates; Colours and Badges of the Scots Guards; Regimental Flags and Banners; Training as it was in 1630; plus reviews of figures, books, plates and prints etc. THE GAMEMASTER Official Organ of the NFFF Games Bureau - February 1970. (Bi-monthly $1 per annum from Don Miller, 12315 Judson Road, Wheaton, Maryland 20906, U.S.A.) An American publication that mainly consists of reviews of other publications connected with the hobby. Has a strong board-games slant. THE AVALON HILL GENERAL March-April 1970. (Bi-monthly $4.98 (overseas 06) per year from The Avalon Hill Company, Baltimore, Maryland 21214, U.S.A.) Deals almost ex- clusively with board wargames. Reports this month the latest Avalon Hill offering - the game Kriegspiel, available through this magazine for 3. 8s. -d. Plus 17s. Postage and packing. Contains articles dealing with various tactics and methods of fighting the various excellent historical board-games put out by Avalon Hill. GUIDON Vol.27, N 0 .4 - A Quarterly publication of the Miniature Figure Collectors of America $1.50 per issue from Blair C. Stonier, 2555 Haverford Road, Ardmore, Pa.19003 U.S.A.) Contains excellent and well researched articles on The New Model Army; The troops in French India, 1772-83; plus features on new figures, conventions, books, prints, etc. HISTORY TODAY April and May 1970. (Monthly JE,2.16s. -d. (U.S.A. $9) from Bracken use, 10 Cannon Street, London E.C.4,) The April issue contains articles dealing with the Greek War of Independence; Ireton, the Parliamentarian General; while the May issue contains beautifully illustrated articles on Hereward the Wake; The Battle of Kossovo amid other interesting items and features. This magazine is always polish ed and interesting even when the articles are not of a military nature. INTERNATIONAL WARGAMER February and March 1970. (Published monthly by The International Federation of Wargaming £ 5 per annum from Tony Morale, Box 53, New Hyde Park New York 11040, U.S.A.) Another American publication with a strong slant towards board wargames. The February issue contains an article on modern armour; on building a sand table while the March issue has articles on various board games plus one on armour penetration in tank warfare and a number of other items mainly dealing with board games. MODEL BOATS May 1970. (Monthly 38. 41s. per annum (U.S.A. $5) from 13-35 Bridge Street, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, England). Contains illustrated article on Japanese Seaplane Carrier and Cruiser of 'World War II and a plan and article on Privateer Ketch SCALE MODELS May &June. (Monthly 38. from Model and Allied Publications Ltd., 13-35 Bridge Street, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. American subscription 05 per annum to Scale Models, Eastern News Distributors Inc., 155 West 15th Street, New York 10011, U.S.A.) The May issue contains a number of items of interest to wargamers (in addition to the numerous adverts of a military nature) such as Miniature Military Modifications; a 54 mm conversion of a Cavalier; Military Insignia - the 6.6. Divisions; plus reviews of books and models etc., and including a hard-hitting model figure review by J.Cross. The June issue contains an interesting illustrated article on the Parabellum, a World War 1 machine-gun kit; Military Insignia - Germany: Waffen S.S. and Foreign Legions; plus a review of the Willie range of figures and other reviews of books, models, kits, etc. SOLDIER MAGAZINE April 1970. (Monthly 1s.6d. from 453 Holloway Road, London N.7.) Always good value for the money - this well produced magazine usually contains something of interest to wargamers. In this issue there is an interesting photograph of Army horse-drawn transport pre World War I and a review of Military Models with book reviews and other features. STRATEGY AND TACTICS January-February 1970. (Bi-monthly $7.50 from Box 396, New York 10009, 77.USA. This magazine gets bigger every issue and is certainly a most professional affair. This one contains a complete board game with all the playing counters, board, etc., etc: In addition there are well-illustrated articles on the Luftwaffe Land Army; and a number of articles mostly dealing with board games although there is a feature running about forming an Afrika Korps from Airfix figures that is not only interesting but highly useful. TRADITION The Journal of the International Society of Military Collectors - Nos.41 & 42. (Monthly 17s,6d. from 188 Piccadilly, London W1). No. 41 contains beautiful illustrated details of two Italian Officers who apparently rode in the Charge at Balaclava; The Austro-Hungarian Army, 1900-1914; Confederate uniforms; The Imperial Roman Legions; British Dragoons 1904; an account of a Napoleonic battle; Uniforms of the rrussian Army 1770; Medals of the Second China War plus the usual book reviews and features and six full page colour plates of the Russian Army 1835. No. 42, again packed with the distinctive drawings and photographs for which this magazine is note has articles on the Uniforms and Equipment of the French Army in Egypt 1798-1801. The Madras Native Infantry 1845; The 71st Highland Light Infantry 1810; The Imperial Roman Legions; The Austro-Hungarian Army; 1900-14; The Zulu War plus all the usual book reviews and features together with 6 full page colour plates, 4 of the French Army in Egypt and 1 of the Russian Army 1835. THE VEDETTE February 1970 - The Journal of the National Capital Military Collectors. Bi-monthly: $5 per annum from P.U.Box 300039 Bethesda, Maryland 20014, U.S.A.) Contains articles on Indian Army Cavalry together with a coloured plate; Units and Uniforms of the Third Reich plus figure and book reviews etc. Back to Table of Contents -- Wargamer's Newsletter # 99 To Wargamer's Newsletter List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1970 by Donald Featherstone. 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