

by Donald Featherstone

When writing these notes I usually have some sort of "message" that I feel ought to be passed on to readers, or else I am crusading against some injustice or publicising some behind the scenes action that I feel should be brought into the day light. Alas, I have been unable to come up with any such subjects this month about the only thing that has caught my notice is the amazing increase in the number of books written about military subjects that could be read with benefit by wargamers -- if only they had the time.

This brilliantly caparisoned horseman leading a charge is an European officer, 7th Ingall Light Cavalry, 1845. From an Ackermann print.

That wasn't very exciting, was it? I wish I could tell you about the sy'lit tnat has occurred in the ranks of the North-East (Dundee) Wargames Club which seems likely to result in 2tJO wargames club Championships this year -- one being run in Dundee by the North-East Wargames Club and the other in London or Birmingham by Ian Dunn, with whom the Dundee Club claim they now have no connection!

Or can I say much about the well-known firm of model soldier manufacturers busily bringing in barristers in an action for slander against rival firms who have accused them of pirating figures whilst they themselves believe that their own figures have been pirated by yet another maker who has recently come to the fore. A very well-known and respected model maker, under conditions of considerable unpleusantness, recently severed his connections with another equally famous establishment -- but any more said about that would be stirring it!

However, I think I can say with safety that the recent decision of the Leicester Wargames Club (runners-up in the recent Wargames Club Championship) to disband the Club as it now stands because of a disturbing influx of very junior members and reform as a more mature type of Club is one that holds many implications for similar Clubs throughout the hobby.

Yes, as I was saying there are dozens of new books coming out every day which can only popularise the hobby!

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© Copyright 1970 by Donald Featherstone.
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