by Don Featherstone
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AIRFIX MAGAZINE JUNE 1965 - Chris Ellis continues his illustrate series on military modelling. This time he is discussing making the Morris 6 x 4 tractor from the Airfix Quad kit. A useful article describing how to make a vehicle that played a very leading role in WWII as veterans will be only too glad to testify. There are also details of conversion of on Airfix Hawker Hart into a Hector for those interested in wargaming with model aircraft. Details of the French Air Force in WWII and also information about some new kits on aircraft put out by Aurora of World War I vintage. B.M.S.S. BULLETIN APRIL 1965 - There is a very full description of the new "Willy" range of figure. A Book List a report from the Dublin Model Soldier Group. Details of the Regimental Museum of the Staffordshire Regiment, in which it is revealed that the diorama of the Battle of Ulundi originally in the Royal United Services Institute in Whitehall, now reposes in this Museum - it is interesting to note how these dioramas are slowly turning up in various parts of the country. There are details of French Zouaves in the 1900 period, information about troops of the American of Independence and Napoleonic Troops. Articles on aids to modelling. Some information about flat figures and numerous other items including details for making terrain from Latex rubber. THE DESPATCH As usual, this is full of most interesting article and is a strongly recommended journal for the wargamer. There is a most interesting article on military prints and plates telling of many new sources of supply. Details of dress and uniform for ,many different troops of many different periods and also consider able amount of detail of availability of new figures from various parts of the world. THE AVALON HILL GENERAL This magazine, which is a bi-monthly publication, contains articles dealing with the various angles concerned in the play of Avalon Hill wargames. They are usually very comprehensive and if I may say so, controversial contributions by mostly young Americans. Their enthusiasm is boundless and the appear to have done things with Avalon Hill games which I am sure far surpasses the maker's original conceptions. This magazine is of use to the man~ fighting Avalon Hill wargames and is available from that firm for a full year's subscription of $4.98. GUNS REVIEW I have been sent a copy of the May Issue of this publication and although there is much in it that does not interest me, there are at least two items which I felt will be of value and interest to the wargamer. There is an interesting letter on the Enfield Rifle as used in the Indian Mutiny, a valuable article by Tom Caldwell on casting. Although this article is not concerned with casting model soldiers, there is much in it that will be of the greatest of value and appears to take the procedure to a much higher level than most of us have been doing in the past. But the principal item of interest is one by Major F. Myatt on galloping guns dealing with Britain's horse artillery in the Napoleonic War Period. This discusses the guns themselves, ammunition and general method of using then and is a very fine and useful contributiin to the wargamer with a bent towards artillery. HISTORY TODAY A month or two back, I discussed this magazine and it would appear that they have recently been printing large numbers of articles on topics that would interest wargamers. For example, in the May Issue, an article on H.M.S. Victory and on Lord Barham. In the June Issue, there are articles on the British soldier at Waterloo, the British Life and Leisure and the First World War. Promised for July is an article on the blockade of Venezuela, the Revolution of 1688, the disaster at Majuba and Napoleon's escape from Elba. Not all of these are, of course, from the wargamers point of view directly but provide interesting background for wargames. Also in the magazine are book reviews and a list of further rending for each article. MILITISTRIOT APRIL 1965 - This is published quarterly by Bob Bard, Box 1463 Baltimore,, Maryland 21203, U.S.A,. and the annual subscription to it is $5.00. It usually contains something of interest to wargamers although it's mainly aimed at the military miniature collector and historian. In this edition are details of the American Riflemen of 1775 - a very full article this. Details of the Light Dragoons of the United States Army in the war of 1812 and information about the Army of Naples during the Napoleonic Wars. MODEL MAKER JUNE 1965 - American Civil Wargamers might find interest in the details of how to build a Mississippi Sternwheeler of the Mark Twain period. One can envisage some highly interesting tabletop maneuvres with vessels of this kind. There are also details for building on O Class Destroyer of 1941 and No. 20 of an bi-monthly series of articles by G. D. Formery on tanks and military vehicles: This time he is discussing the ABC Mk. III Armoured Car. TABLE TOP TALK MARCH 1965 The wargamer doesn't need to be told much about this bi-monthly magazine put out by Jack Scruby which is an absolute must for all those interested in fighting table-top battles. In this particular edition is on article on linear period sieges, on medieval warfore by Newell Chamberlin discusses Turkish Infantry in 1800, has a book review, has some articles and correspondence devoted exclusively to wargaming. Contains a nice little battle report "The Battle of Fort Sadowski" reported by Jack Scruby himself and also contains notes on the Roman Army organizaticn and Napoleonic Army organization. Back to Table of Contents -- Wargamer's Newsletter # 40 To Wargamer's Newsletter List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1965 by Donald Featherstone. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |