Wargamer of the Month

Major Keith Hubbard

by Don Featherstone

When I first began corresponding with Keith Hubbard he was embellished gloriously with the title 'Major -- Infantry, U.S.Army' as he is shown in the accompanying photo of a World War II terrain at a meeting of the Cumberland Military Miniatures Society at Fort Dix. Now he is back in 'civvy street' (more or less) and is working as a Public Relations 0fficer with the U.S. Air Force. He lives in the appropriately named -- for a wargamer -- area of Wellington Drive, Warminster, Pa., USA.

Keith spent 4 years as Professor of Military Science and Tactics at a High School Military Academy. Here, every 2 weeks, a detailed and different terrain would be set up and the cadets had to determine what battle was being depicted, where it was fought, when and who the generals were and of course, who won; Keith nostalgically reports that it was fun setting up the scens but it imposed quite a strain on the members of the military department to set up a new scene every other weekend.

Extracts from past letters show, 20mm Ancient battles, 20mm Civil War engagements, large scale outdoor modern battles; a 17th century sea fight with about 20 vessals and small land forces on the side. Also from letters, it appears that Keith Hubbard has 20mm armies of modern U.S. forces, Afrika Korps complete with self propelled guns, 88mm's, tanks, amphibious vehicles, etc.

There are also some of those plastic flat armies that one sometimes sees advertised on the back page of American comics -- 200 figures for $1.98. These are 40mm or so and Keith keeps them in his summer cabin so that he has wargames at his fingertips at all times;

Keith writes very fine and full letters -- one I recall sharing with old members of the Newsletter in which it was related how a big attempt was made over the wargames table to secure good post-Army jobs -- it ended with no jobs and even the firm's big-shot who was allowed to win the battle lost his job!

The nature of Keith Hubbard's job may possibly allow him to fly over to Europe shortly -- it is hoped that this will be the case and that we will see him here.

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© Copyright 1964 by Donald Featherstone.
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