
List for WWII

by Charles Dick

This consists solely of most comprehensive lists of books dealing with World War II - compiled by Charles Dick of Edinburgh, to whom I am most grateful.

Europe 1943-5

"Dieppe; the Dawn of Decision" by,* James Mordal
"Dieppe-at 'Dawn" by R.W.Thompson.
"Dieppe; the Shame and the Glbry" by T. Robertson,
"The 85 Days" by R: Thompson.
"North-West Europe, 1944-45" by John North.
"Battle for the Rhineland" by R.W. Thompson.
"Rommel Papers" by Liddell Hart (edit ).
"Normandy to the Baltic" by F. Montgomery.
"Battle; the Story of the Bulge" by J. Toland,
"Defeat in- the West" by Milton Schulman.
"Invasion - They're Coming" by Paul Carel.
"Bastogne - The First 8 Days" by S.L.A. Marshall.
"Three Battles; Arnaville, Altruszo & Schmidt" by C. B. McDonald & S. Mthers
"Crusade in Europe" by Dwight.D. Eisenhower.
"A Soldier's Story" by O.N. Bradley.
"War As I Knew It" by G. S. Patton.
"Top Secret" by R. Ingersoll.
"The Other Side of the Hill" (edt,) Liddell Hart.
"The Canadian Army" by C. P. Stacey.

"Anzio" by E.Blumenson.
"Anzio" by W'. Vaughan-Thomas.
"Alamein to the Sangro" by B.L. Montgomery.
"Neither Fear nor Hope" by V. Senger Und Etterlin.
"Cassino" by Majdalany.
"Monte Cassio" by R.Bohmler,
"Sicily" by Hugh Pond.
"Salerno" by Hugh Pond.
"Campaign in Italy by, Eric Linklater.
"Calculated Risk" by Mark Clark.
"German Army in the West" by Westphal.
"Road to Rome" by C. Buckley.
"Kesselring's Memoirs".

"Desert Generals" by Corelli Barnett.
"Rommel" by Desmond Young.
"El Alamein" by C.E, Lucas-Philips.
"El Alamein" by N. Carver.
"African Trilogy" by' Alan Moorhead..
"Ala,mein to the Sangro" by B. L. Montgomery,
"Campaigns of Wavell" by R. Woolcombe.
"Tobruk" by Heckstall Smith.
"Eastern Epic" by MacKenzie.
"Auchinleck" by Connell.

"Germany's Defeat in the East" by G.Lederrey.
"Soviet World War II Infantryman" by A.Nisbet.
"The Soviet Army" by B.H Liddell Hart (Edt).
"Paulus and Stalingrad" by Walter Goerlitz.
"Stalingrad" by Heinz Schroter.
"The Russian Army" by V. Gollancz.
"The Beginning of the Road" by V. J. Chuikov.
"German Rule in Russia" by Dallin
"Neither Fear or Hope" by V. Singer and Etterlin.
"Lost Victories" by Von Manstein.
"Von Manstein" by R.T. Paget.
"Hitler's Defeat in Russia" by W.Andes.
"How Russia Makes War" by R. Garthoff..
"The Battle for Moscow" by K. Assmann.
"Soviet Artillery" by J. R. L. Shaw.

Far East
"Defeat Into Victory" by Slim,
"The March on Delhi" by A.J.Barker.
"The Jungle is Neutral" by Spencer Chapman.
"New Guinea Offensives" by David Dexter.
"Brief Study of the Malayan Campaign"` by S. G. Charphekar.
"Imphal" by G. Grams and F. Brett-James
Eastern Epic" by MacKenzie.
"The Marauders" by C.Ogbourn. -
"Retreat from Kokoda" by Paull.

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