by Don Featherstone
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Nineteen years ago, on the 6th of June 1945, the European war ended. On Saturday 6th of June 1964, there are at least five large battles scheduled to take place in London, to be watched by a considerable number of bloodthirsty onlookers who spend most of their spore time and money in amassing model soldiers of various sizes, periods and qualities with which to re-enact or create new battles on the table-top. Sponsored by the Wargamer's Newsletter as it has been for the past too years in Southampton, this year's Convention is going to be a much bigger, more ambitious affair. This is entirely due to the fact that Marcus Hinton, the enterprising man behind Hinton Hunt Figures Ltd - makers of Wargames figures - has most generously come forward to financially support the venture. With his aid, it has been possible to hire the same room at Caxton Hall, Lestminster, London, that is used monthly by the British Model Soldier society and so ensure that far larger numbers can attend. The provisional programme will be as follows - owing to the necessity to get an advance notice in this month's Newsletter it has not been possible to await full confirmation from all who have been invited to co-operate, but it is ascertain that substantially what is printed below will be available FREE Of CHARGE to anyone who cares to attend.
1.00-2.00 Lunch - this may be a buffet lunch provided in the hall, but there are plenty of pubs and cafes in the vicinity. 2.00-4,30 Simultaneous demonstrations of wargames in the following periods, by garners known to be specialists in thos eras.
18th Century by Charles Grant. Napoleonic by Warwick Hale and Peter Gilder Late 19th Century by Don Featherstone. Modern by Graham Biddle. These will be actual games, taking over two hours each, rules mill he available for perusal, moves and tactics will be explained by the players as game proceeds, and the fullest ranges of figures and of terrain etc will be used. 4.30-5.15. Break. 5.15 and on Discussion of games by participants; talk of tactics, figures used, reason for choosing this particular period etc etc. Questions will by invited from the audience and general discussion is invited. For purposes of registration, seating etc it is suggested that everyone endeavours to be at Carton Hall by about 11:30 a.m. It's hoped that wargamers will bring along items of interest: regimental set-ups, terrain features, plates, books etc. It is suggested that these items are suitably labelled by the by the owner concerned -- no responsibility for their safety can be accepted by the sponsors of this convention. The nearest Underground Station to Caxton Hall is St. James Park. Turn left out of station entrance. For those who are attending by road, Caxton Hall is off Victoria street, lies about midway between Victoria and Westminster Abbey. Parking in the area should not be too difficult on a Saturdays. For purposes of catering, seating etc it is requested that those who intend coming should notify Marcus Hinton at his house within a week or so of the event. This is going to be a big affair; it is hoped to acquire a corisiderable amount of publicity from it for wargaming as both the press and T.V people have been invited to attend. Back to Table of Contents -- Wargamer's Newsletter # 25 To Wargamer's Newsletter List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1964 by Donald Featherstone. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |