Hint of the Month

Re-using Spears

by M. Allen

Here is an idea to solve the argument that arises in an Ancient game when spearmen throw their missiles and cannot be spearmen again but become normal swordsmen. My idea is when the spearmen throw, a bundle is placed at the point of impact. A bundle is just a block of wood about 4" long and 1" wide, drilled with about 12 holes, in which removable cocktail sticks are placed at the rate of 3/4 of the missiles thrown into the bundle. Thus 12 spearmen throwing, 8 sticks are placed. The rest are considered lost. The sticks in the bundle can be taken by the target-unit on the next move, they may take the spears and use them. If the target-unit retreats that move, or if the unit is destroyed by the volley, the first unit to arrive at the bundle, can use it. Each time spears are thrown, 1/4 of them are lost.

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