Quiz of the Month


by Don Featherstone

1. In which war was the Battle of Malvern Hill?

    1. American Civil War, ist July 1862 (Seven Days Battle east of Richmond).

2. Who commanded British force at Peiwar Kotel, 2 December 1878?

    2. General Sir Frederick Roberts V.C.

3. Dates of Battles of (a) Roundway Down (b) Cowpens (c) Gazala (d) Jemappes?

    3. (a) 13 July 1643 (b) 17 January 1781 (c) 26 May-23 June 1942 (d) 6 November 1792.

4. Rival Commanders at Lutzen 1632 were?

    4. Wallenstein and Pappenheim lost to King Gustavus Adolphus/Prince Bernard.

5. Were any of them killed?

    5. Yes - Pappenheim and King Gustavus.

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© Copyright 1976 by Donald Featherstone.
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