Answer to July

Problem of the Month

by Don Featherstone

R.J.Clifford writes - "Although this is not my period, I am in a position to assist John Cook in his quest for information on the flags carried by the troops of the German States during the Napoleonic Wars.

Firstly le Plumet publish a series of plates entitled "Drapeaux et Etandards des Troupes Allies de la France sous le premier Empire". So far they cover the ones Mr.Cook particularly wanted (Saxony, Bavaria, Wurtemburg and Hesse) and some others as well (e.g. Italy, Duchy of Warsaw, and so on). Cavalry standards are only partially covered, however. They are quite informitive and include illustrations of 2-3 flags on each plate with a full description on the back. Odds and ends such as the measurements of the flags, the number carried per battalion, etc., are not forgotten. If from no other, they are available from Mr. A.A.Johnston of Pitney, Langpovt, Somerset, but I should add that they are expensive. The plates also quote their sources so Mr.CooR could do some research in that direction if he chooses. The two books that seem most likely to be worthwhile are Falirmbacher's "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der bayrischen fahnen und standardten" and Hottenroth's "Geschichte der Sachsischen fahnen". Probably Hekkel's "Les Trophees de notre Dante de Kazan" would help, too. Mind you, I could not even begin to suggest where Mr.Cook might find these books and if anyone does know I should be only too delighted to hear."

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