by Don Featherstone
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It is unfortunate that two such highly promising events should be on successive weekends thus, on economic grounds, probably forcing the impecunious and often youthful wargamer to make a choice as to which he should attend. There is no doubt whatsoever that BOTH should be visited even if it means taking out a second mortgage or selling the family car! The first of these events is the Arms and Armour Press full-day event AMERICA'S MILITARY HERITAGE 1776-1865 to be held from 9 a.m. to 5.30 P.m. on Saturday, March 27th 1976 at the London Tara Hotel, Wrights Lane, Kensington, London WS. In addition to trade stands of all the best known manufacturers, there are to be some quite unique lectures and demonstrations by some of the best known military personalities of the day. They include W.Y.Carman on Military Costumes 1776-1865; Weapons and Firepower 1776-1865 a forum introduced by F.W.Wilkinson and including panellists MajorGeneral B.P.Hughes and Ian V. Hogg; Major-General J.D.Lunt for a talk on Burgoyne and the War of Independence whilst David Chandler will speak on Stonewall Jackson and the Valley of Death in 1862. Also, there will be American archive films on the War of Independence and the Civil War. Perhaps of the greatest interest to the wargaming fraternity will be the 112 hour wargame/demonstration of the American Revolution battle of Freeman's Farm conducted by two of the most experienced wargamers around - Donald Featherstone and Peter Gilder. Using the imcomparable figures and terrain that graced the coloured pages of the recent Sampson Lowe publication BATTLES OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION by Kurt Johnson, this demonstration is a completely new and original concept, bringing this interesting battle to life by means of contemporary writing, music, lighting and movement. To ensure admission to the lectures and film, "Full" tickets will be sold in advance at a cost of £ 1.50P - seating in the lecture theatre will be by numbered ticket only and, as these are limited, you are advised to immediately send your moeny with a foolscap S.A.E. to Arms and Armour Press, 2-6 Hampstead High Street, London NW3. Any unsold "Full" tickets will be placed on sale on the day but this is a bit of a risk. Admission to Trade and Society stands and the wargame/demonstration (limited "ticket") 50p. In addition to making a contribution to the world of the military historian, collector and wargamer, this event AMERICA'S MILITARY HERITAGE 1776-1865 also marks the publication of the magnificent ATLAS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Any copies of the book bought on the day of the Convention will include a Commemorative Day Book Plate. If you have obtained a book previously from your regular bookseller bring with you a receipt and you will be presented with a copy of the limited-issue book plate but no book plages will be available after the day of the event. On the very next weekend Saturday and Sunday, April 3rd and 4th, MINIATURE FIGURINES LIMITED of Southampton, are holding THE FIRST ANNUAL SOUTHERN MILITAIRE EXHIBITION at the Post House Hotel, (near the Royal Pier) Southampton. Here, the Hampshire Suite of nearly 5,000 square feet, self-contained ground floor hall with ample free car parking, is being used for what promises to be a superb Exhibition centralling round trade stands, audience participation games, Club displays, painting competitions organised by the South Hants Military Modelling Society to B.M.S.S. Rules, outdoor activities and many other attractions. Uargamers will be particularly interested in the National Individual Skirmish Wargames Championship which is being held at this Exhibition under the control of Mike Blake and Ian Colwill - full details are given elsewhere in this issue. SOUTHERN MILTTATRE 1976 runs from 10.50 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. on Saturday the 3rd April and from 10-30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, 4th April. Admission 30p adults and 10p children - if you are attending on both days then special admission fees are available. I can vouch for the fact that MINIATURE FIGURINES LIMITED are sparing no tLuble to make this a fine and memorable affair -- everyone is buzzing around down there and the Wessex Military Society are busily organising demonstrations and the like. Neville Dickinson, Ron Miles and Tony Bath among others at MINIATURE FIGURINES have all done a great deal to encourage the growth of wargaming - both in a commercial and practical sense and the fruits of their experience will ensure that this is a worthwhile affair which, if adequately supported, could well become to the South of England what Northern Militaire in Manchester is to the North. Back to Table of Contents -- Wargamer's Newsletter # 168 To Wargamer's Newsletter List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1976 by Donald Featherstone. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |