Stimulus of the Month

Black Powder Riflemen

by Don Featherstone

Doesn't this send a thrill up your spine and make you want to rush to the wargames table?

Riflemen fired at will when they were ready then twisted onto their backs, biting away the end paper of a fresh cartridge, emptying its powder into the rifle and hammering the butt between the feet, reversing the rifle to ram home the ball and finally twisting back onto the elbows with one hand and groping in a pocket for a copper percussion cap. They rarely wasted a shot, never snatched a trigger, picked their target and aimed low for his guts.


Riflemen fired at will until their ears rang, they tore their cartridge with the teeth, the black powder stinging on the tongue, rammed it tightly home then the ball rammed again and fumble with sore fingers in the cap pocket, thumbed the cap home ready to fire again.

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© Copyright 1976 by Donald Featherstone.
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