Notice Board

Events 1975

by C. Hardcastle

The Bristol Branch of the British Model Soldier Society is to hold its open competition this year on the 22nd of November (11 am onwards) at the Corn Exchange, Corn Street, Bristol, that is ju off the City Centre. Competitions will include single figures, groups, and dioramas in all sizes from 25mm to 77mm plus. Refreshments will be available and there will also be a number of trade stands and prints and books for sale.

WARGAMES COURSE - 2nd-4th January 1976

Theobalds Park College, Bulls Cross Ride, Waltham Cross, Herts.

At this College of Education, Christopher Lance Scott of the Wessex Military Society will be directing a Wargames Weekend when an examination of the Philosophy, History and aims of wargames with reference to several particular periods will be undertaken. There will be the opportunity for several games in different periods throughout the weekend and the programme is as follows:

Friday, 2nd January 1976 - Arrive after 4.30 pm for Dinner at 7 pm. 8.15 pm -
What is Wargaming?

Saturday, 3rd January
9.15 am History and Development.
11 am Ancient. Wargames.
2 pm Renaissance Wargames.
4 pm Private games and tuition.
5 pm World War II : The Western Desert.

Sunday, 4th January
9.15 am - Napoleonic Wargames and the 75mm Revolution.
11 am Conclusion and Seminar.

Students are advised to bring with them the following:
Own figures and wargaming paraphernalia (Rules, Dice, etc.).
Course Fees: Full board, accommodation and tuition £ 8.OOp per person.
Fees: Include Full Board, Accommodation and Tuition (single room supplement extra).

Applications to: The Principal, Theobalds Park College, Bulls Cross Ride, Waltham Cross, Hert. EN7 5HW. Tel. Waltham Cross 57255. Enclosing the full fee. Please make cheques payable to the London Borough of Enfield. It helps us considerably if one, two or three friends can share a bedroom.


Visitors to the Museum recently would have had no difficulty in locating the Children's Club. Guided by the excited voices, led by the smell of fresh paint and following the plaster-encrusted footprints of over one thousand children, the unprepared might have been started to see boys and girls aged 5 to 13 years busy among hundredweights of rubbish, paper, paint, polystyrene and plaster Spreading the materials on themselves and the floor, and sometimes on the boards provided, they were constructing models of battlefields which ranged from Tolkien's Ring, through Thermopylae down to WW II.
The Club ran for two weeks, 26 July - 9 August. Besides over one hundred models, several hundred paintings appeared in water and oil-colour. Each day, children received a talk or film, and handle museum exhibits, including dressing in uniforms and handling weapons.
It was a trial project to assess postential demand, so publicity was deliberately kept low-key. Next summer, our cleaners will be horrified to learn, a much more ambitious project on similar lines is planned to run for six weeks.

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© Copyright 1975 by Donald Featherstone.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web.
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