by Don Featherstone
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AIRFIX MAGAZINE February 1975. Very nicely produced as always. Contains numerous articles on aircraft plus well illustrated features on making simple soft-skin 8th Army vehicle models by John Sandars; Peninsular War figure conversions; the Rapier Surface-to Air Missile (SAM); George Gush on Renaissance Warfare - The Swedish Army; figure conversions of the Balaclava Battle; plus features on the latest kits, books, etc., etc. THE BULLETIN of the British Model Soldier Society - No. 6. Contains figure, book and plate reviews, correspondence but not much else. THE COURIER Bulletin of the New England Wargamers Association - Vol. VI-7. Contains well illustrated articles on American 1812 uniforms; The Spartan Army; The Swedish Army Organisation 1807-15; Rules Review, of the American Revolution, American Revolution Battle, Report; Re-evaluation of American Revolution Wargames; Morgan's Rifle Corps; Wargame Flowcharting, (a rather interesting U.S. aspect of wargames rules); Grapeshot by Fred Vietmeyer; Notes on Cavalry plus letters and reviews. EUROPA No. 4/5 mid-January 1975. 106 tightly packed pages of typing that must make fasicinating reading if you at all interested in Diplomacy or boardgames and wish to keep up-to-date and meet fellow enthusiasts. Practically devoid of any thing else concerning wargaming with miniatures. THE GAMESLETTER More Diplomacy but also has sections dealing with boardgames and chess Plus a large section dealing with other magazines and their contents. DISPATCH incorporating the Manchester Area Wargaming Society Club Magazine - January 1975. This should not be confused with the Scottish Model Soldier Magazine of a similar name. Has interesting on the effects of musketry, Ten Years in Cuba, Figure Conversions, and more. MILITARY AFFAIRS December 1974. Published by Dept of History, Kansas State Univ. It is well produced and erudite. Contains articles on Battlesword and Rapier: Clausewitz, Jomini and the Americau Civil War; "Balanced Forces" from Truman to Eisenhower, and more. MILITARY MODELLING Feb 1975. If there seems to be something strange about this issue,t's because there is no color except the front cover. Illustrated articles on B.M.S.S. Bristol 1974 Show; Royal Westminster Volunteers, Uniforms of the SS, Royal Berkshire Yeomanry, and more. SAVAGE AND SOLDIER Vol VII No. 4. Delightful magazine never lacks interest. Illustrated items on German Colonial Troops 1899-1904; German Marine Infantry 1910; Movies dealing with Custer; The Portuguese in Africa 11468-1600; The War in the Sudan, and more. SLINGSHOT JANUARY 1975. Journal of the Society of Ancients is always interesting and the depth of knowledge in its articles is breathtaking. This contains fine articles on the recent combat of Champions at Manchester when a team from North beat one from the South; Warfare in Aztec Mexico; An Ancient War Lately Fought In America. The Horsemen of Ancient Egypt; More About the Sling; book reviews; Arthurian Britain; Frankish Cavalry up to the 9th Century; The Housecarls plus that mine of information, The Guardroom. I believe the Society of Ancients now has a thousand members - I remember when they all knew each other! SOLDIER February 1975 The well-produced and illlustrated magazine of the Modern Army contains articles on The Duke oF Cornwall's Light Infantry Museum; The Army's Mapmakers; Training the Infantry's NCOs, plus fine reviews, oi recolos, books, etc.. TRADITION No. 75. Nice to see this again after a bit of a gap. Beautifully illustrated as always and contains articles on The Rifle Regiments 1850; The Rise and Fall of the Emperor Maximilian of Mexico; The Elite Gendarmes of the Imperial Guard 1808-1815; A Swedish Infantry Uniform of 1910; Uniforms of the K.K.Landwehr 194-1918; Uniforms of the Italian Army plus six of the French Imperial Guard; The Russian Gousari; The Uniforms of the Swedish Army and Navy 1814; The Imperial German Army Meldereiter 1895-1899; The French National Guards 1799-17190 plus fine book reviews. LA VIVANDIERE Vol. I: No. 4. This is a magazine new to me published by Palikar Publications, 2654 Bryant Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408, U.S.A. Subscription rate $2.50 for four issues. (probably more overseas). Very nicely printed and produced includes articles on Field Artillery in the American Civir War; some articles on boardgaming; Fantasy Wargaming and the influence of Tolkien; A Tank Profile; Uniforms of the English Civil War; Wargame Theory Notebook; Cross-country mobility of tanks; plus reviews etc. WAR MONTHLY Issue 13. This beautifully produced magazine includes well illustrated articles on Santa Cruz 1942; Messines 1917; D-Day; The SS 11 Missile; Medic - a fine article dealing with field surgery and treatment of wounded; a 100-ton cannon from Gibraltar; Barossa 1811 - all combine to make this wonderful value for the money and hours of interesting reading. Back to Table of Contents -- Wargamer's Newsletter # 156 To Wargamer's Newsletter List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1975 by Donald Featherstone. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |