Club Francaise
De La Figurine Historique


by Don Featherstone

From Pierre de Bieville of 50 Boulevard Malesherbes, Paris VIII, France, I received a copy of this Club's Bulletin CFFH. Although in French, I found it very interesting and a most creditable Club publication. It reviews new figures (and this issue mainly British!) and has numerous illustrated articles on military subjects. These include Belgium Regiments in French service; Flags of the French Army as well as illustrations of those of 1791; illustrated article on the 19th Regiment of Dragoons 1808; the French Colonial Wars are covered in an article on Camel Corps in the Niger region; Cossacks - a very full article on their employment before and during the Napoleonic Campaigns plus questions and answers, etc. As far as I can make out the subscription to the magazine is 30 francs per annum and the Club meets on the third Saturday of the month at No. 3 Rue de le Trinite, Paris 9e.

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