by Don Featherstone
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AIRFIX MAGAZINE - December 1974. (Available from bookstalls and shops). Beautifully compiled and illustrated as always, with a fine range of mouth-watering advertisements, includes numerous irticles on aircraft plus illustrated contributions on Sth Army in the Desert - HQ and MMG figure conversions by John Sandars; George Gush on the Dutch Army in the Renaissance Warfare Period absolutely invaluable to Pike-and-Shot enthusiasts); 54mm figure conversions; variations on the Scorpion lank; British Army Uniforms by Bryan Fosten of Marlburian Ensigns (includes some useful flags of the period) plus all the latest reviews of books, figures, kits, etc. (Monthly 22p). THE BULLETIN of the British Model Soldier Society - No.5. (Quarterly - Annual subscription £ 3.00p - J.Ruddle, 22 Priory Gardens, Hampton, Middlesex). Reports of Meetings, reviews of latest 54mm figures and flat figures; records and tapes; correspondence - a very thin issue and not very good value. BATTLEFLEET - Magazine of the Naval Wargames Society - Vol-7: No.12. (Published every 4 to 6 weeks - Annual subscription ٟ.50p - W.E.McKenzie, 16 Hugo Road, London N19 5EU). Contains articles Dn The Fastest Cruisers; A Napoleonic Naval Campaign plus figure review. EUROPA - No.3. (Bi-monthly - Walter Haas, Postfach 229, CH-4018, Basel 18, Switzerland). An anbound duplicated magazine published in Switzerland and mainly aimed at stimulating interesting board-games, a number being reviewed in this issue. In a sense, the magazine is a game in itself as you try to get some sense of cohesion from its most unusual tightly typed paragraphs. Seemingly like nost things connected with board-games, it has a sort of esoteric charm but you need patience to appreciate it! The editor is now trying to explain a statement in an earlier issue that Britain is aot part of Europe and that, like the Common Market, they do not really needlus. GUIDON - Vol.32: No.2. (Quarterly - The Miniature Figure Collectors of America, P.O.Box 311, Raverford, PA. 19041, U.S.A.) Contains report on the 1974 Show with pictures of prize winning models plus reviews of books, figures, etc. MANCHESTER AREA WARGAMES SOCIETY - Club Magazine November. (Monthly - J. Howe, 72 Doveleys Road, Salford, Manchester.) Contains articles on Naval Warfare of World War II; Monuments of Ancient, Mediaeval and Byzantine Greece; The Ten Years War in Cuba; book and figure reviews; The Gauls; MMs or inches; and other items. MILITARY AFFAIRS - October 1974. (Quarterly - published for the American Military Institute by the Department of History, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506, U.S.A. - $5 per annum. A fine, very professional magazine with excellent reviews of bookshop museums, etc. Articles include The U.S. Army Occupies Cuba 1898-99; The United States Navy and the Taking of Panama 1901-1903; U.S. Marines in the 20th Century; Educating Civil War Generals at West Point 1833-1861; The Army and the Indians. MILITARY MODELLING - December 1974. (25p bookstalls). A beautifully produced magazine which lives up to its title. Contains well illustrated articles on Russian Cuirassiers 1812; Current British A.F.V. colours and trim; Apache Indians; Motor Torpedo Boats; The French AMX IOP tank; Rogers Rangers; British Army Vehicle colour schemes and markings of World War II - Formation Badges; making dioramas; plus reviews of the latest books, figures, etc. PANZERFAUST - No.64.. 41-50 - P.O. Box C, Belfast, Maine 04915 U.S.A.) Contains articles on Wargamer's Guide to the American Civil War (useful Orders of Battles; The Battle of Middleton (ACW); Report on a modern wargame; Chainmail - fantasy variant; December 1941; reviews of numerous boardgames and books. SIGNAL No.68. (Bi-weekly - 8 for £ 1.OOp - John Mansfield, P.O.Box 830, CFPO 5056, 757 Baden Baden 1, West Germany.) Contains all the latest news on Conventions, board-games, films, magazines, models, kits, etc., etc. I am fascinated as to where he obtains all his information - and does the Canadian Army get value for their money out of Cpl John Mansfield? SOLDIER - December 1974. (7 1/2p newsagents). I have just noticed the price of this magazine it must be the biggest literary bargain of the day! Beautifully illustrated, the magazine on the modern army, this contains articles on the Dorset Military Museum; The Welsh Guards back in Brussels after 30 years; illustrated article on the Southern Skirmish Association (ACW counterpart to the Sealed Knot); plus excellent reviews on models, books, records, etc. THE VEDETTE - Journal of the National Capital Military Collectors - Fall 1974. (P.O.Box 30003, Bethesda, MD 20014, U.S.A.:Annual subscription $5.00 per annum). Illustrated articles on Bavarian 17th century cavalry; The Horse in Action; Wargamer's Corner; Mounted Bands of the British Army; C.B.G. Mignot Flats; The Story behind Kipling's "Snarleyow"; reviews of figures, books, etc. WAR MONTHLY - No.11. (Newsagents - 45p). Beautifully produced and illustrated; this interesting magazine contains fine photographs of World War I siege guns and illustrated articles on E-boats; Amiens 1918; the B25 Mitchell gunship; Siege Guns; Inchon, Korea, 1950; Acre 1799. Packed with interesting reading and well recommended. WORLD WAR ENTHUSIAST 1939-1945 - July-August and September-October 1974. (Bi-monthly $5.00 per annum. - Ray Merriam, GHL, 218 Beech, Bennington, Vermont 05201, U.S.A.) Written with heart and enthusiasm with the greatest interest to the wargamer in this period, contains articles on the Flemish Volunteers of the Third Reich 1940-45; The R.A.C. Tank Museum; The Westland Lysander; notes to modellers; The Russian Soldier; The Focke Wulf FW 190; German Anti-Personnel Stick Grenades; Tank Recovery Vehicles; Remote Controlled Tank K-3; The Aleutian Campaign; USAAF Aircraft Nicknames; plus sections for the miniature wargamer and reviews of books, catalogues, records - you name it it is here. Packed with interesting World War II material. Back to Table of Contents -- Wargamer's Newsletter # 154 To Wargamer's Newsletter List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1975 by Donald Featherstone. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |