Notts Wargames Association

1974 National Convention Committee

by Don Featherstone

This years convention was held at the Co-operative-Educational Centre, Broad St. Nottingham. it proved a tremendous success with over 19500 people attending.' some 15 trade firms were present including all, the main figure producers Games were played in all six Championship periods plus the junior and Individual competitions.

Before I list the results I would like to mention one or two interesting matches.

In the quarter finals of the senior competition, ancient period, that veteran campaigner Steve Reed from Worthing, met Peter Gilder of Hinchcliff fame, from Hull. The game was interesting but experience was the key factor and Steve pulled it off. The leading team after the first round was Birmingham of the West Midlands, with 26 points, closely pursued by, Sheffield of the North East with 25 points.

In the next round the two enemies of old met again, Steve Reed and Dave Millward of Birmingham. The umpire, Phil Barker of the Wargame Research Group told me afterwards that it could have gone either way and was not decided until the last morale throw. But in the end it went to Steve and he went through to the final. Scores at the end of the semi-final round North East 43 points, West Midlands 56 points.

In the afternoon, between the two senior rounds, the individuals and the juniors had begun. The Middle Earth attracted a good deal of attention, Maidens in distress, Dragons eating Wizards and so on.

Probably the most popular individual game was the Gladiatorial Combat which seemed to be raging all day, in the fabulous Halifax-built arena. of course we had the usual Western Gun Fight, Colonial and S & T board games.

NOW came the climax of the weekend, the final round on the Sunday..First away were the juniors battling it out in the three most modern periods: Napoleonics, A.C.W., and WWII. The individuals were soon to follow, and at 12 noon the senior finals got under way. As usual the ancients and Napoleonic games attracted the largest audiences, but all games were well supported. probably the most interesting final was the Medieval. This game was played by two lads whose homes are in Mansfields but since Notts did not enter a team this year, and both were away at university, they decided to play for the regions that their universities were in. Alan Cook for Bradford and the North East, Dave Kirkpatrick for Surrey and the South East. The game proved to be the most good humoured of the championships and after hours of wargaming and 3 recounts Alan came out on top by a mere 1 1/2 points.

Everyone seemed to have an enjoyable and entertaining weekend. The trade went away happy, the competitors fulfilled, the spectators a little more knowledgable and the Notts organisers completely shattered but with a handsome profit.

Results of the 1974 National Wargames Convention

      Winner S. REED Worthing SE region
      R/up C. TOFFLAS Manchester NW region


      Winner A. COOK Bradford NE region
      R/up D. KIRKPATRICK Surrey SE region

    16th CENTURY

      Winner G. GUSH Tun Wells SE region
      R/up A. MASON Birmingham WM region


      Winner G. GLASS Bristol SE region
      R/up S. BERNIE Halifax NE region


      Winner R. COOPER Sheffield NE region
      R/Up P. STANSFIELD Manchester NW region


      Winner B. COOKE Birmingham WM region
      R/Up J. GOODALE Halifax NE region



      Winner B. DONALDSON Mansfield
      R/UP D. JENKINS Bristol


      Winner J. DART Bristol
      R/up D. SAKSBY Peterborough


      Winner P. VERNON Mansfield
      R/up J. BRICKLEBECK Peterborough


      C0LONIAL Winner T. HERBERT
      S & T Winner A. CUMMINGS

    Senior Team Results (for Airfix Trophy

      1st North East region Sheffield51 points
      2nd West Midlands region Birmingham 43 points
      3rd South East region Tun Wells 39 points

    Junior Team Results (for Minifigs Trophy

      1st Mansfield 20 points 2nd Bristol 13 points 3rd Peterborough 6 points

    Best Senior Player (for Charge Trophy

      B. COOKE Birmingham WWII

    Best Junior Player

      B. DONALDSON Mansfield Napoleonic

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© Copyright 1974 by Donald Featherstone.
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