by Don Featherstone
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AIRFIX MAGAZINE - March 1974. Contains well illustrated articles on Engineering and Ordnance Units of the 8th Army by John Sandars; George Gush on Renaissance Warfare - The Turks; Roy Dilley on Model Soldiers A German Mounted Trooper with a Mule; Organisation and Equipment of the Irish Army; Military Modelling Pzkw III Recovery Vehicles Plus book, kit and figure reviews, correspondence, etc. BATTLEFLEET - The Magazine of the Naval Wargames Society (W.E.Mackenzie, 16 Hugo Road, London N19 5EU. Subscription - £ 1.10p or $5.00 per annum). Articles on late 19th century Naval Operations in South America; The Naval Battle of Svold Island AD 1000 plus book and model reviews, etc. BULLETIN of the British Model Soldier Society (J.Ruddle, 22 Priory Gardens, Hampton, Middlesex. £ 3.00p per annum. Packed with information about the Society's activities and reviews of figures, books, prints, plates, etc. Also articles on The York Ranges 1793-1796; Bands of the Five Regiments of Guards; simple conversions; The Bandellierreuter 30 Years War; Hadrian's Wall; A World War I Reminiscence plus eleven pages of photographs. THE COURIER - Bulletin of the New England Wargamers Association (45 Willow Street, Brockton, Mass. 02401 U. S.A., $5.00 foreign per annum). Contains articles on Wargames Rules 1750-1820 with section on Seven Years and Napoleonic Wars; Foreign Intervention in the Spanish Civil War; a World War II battle problem Ancient Wargame Report; Fred Vietmeyer and the Mid-Western Napoleonic Wargamers Confederation Re-fight the Siege of Danzig 1807; the annual Battle Report; The Windage Myth plus reviews on other features. MINIATURE WARFARE AND MODEL SOLDIERS (Stanhope House, Fairbridge Road, London N19 3H7. 22jp or 85 cents per copy)o Articles on Napoleonic Wargames Rules; Report on a Wargames Campaign in Germany 1808; Anti-Guerilla Tactics in Asia from 1946; The Rise of the Zulu Empire; The Russo- Japanese War 1904-5; Re-fought Battle of Castiglione 1796; Solo Wargaming; 18th Century Boardgame; plus book and figure reviews. TANKETTE (Miniature Armoured Fighting Vehicles Association, G.E.G.Williams, 15 Berwick Avenue, Heaton, Mersey, Stockport SK4 3AA, Cheshire. E1.50P or $5.00 per annum). This is the December 1973 and January 1974 issue and in addition to all the usual features on new vehicles, kits, books, etc., contains articles on the German Panzer Division 1944; The French Tank Museum at Seumur (I visited this last year and its great); plans and description of M13 fire support vehicle, Command Car on white truck chassis; Soviet 203mm howitzer 1935; article, photographs and plan of the Conway FV4004 tank destroyer 1951, plus other features. THE VEDETTE - The Journal of the National Capitol Military Collectors. (P.O.Box 30003, Bethesda, Maryland 20014, USA $5-00 per annum). This is the Winter 1973 edition and contains some fine photographs of figures made by the French maker Mlle. Desfontaines; illustrated articles on the Spanish Infantry 1898; West Coast Wargames News; The Canadian Mounted Police; Miniature Figure Bibliography; A Wargame Corner; plus reviews of figures, books, magazines, etc. WORLD WAR ENTHUSIAST. (Graphics House Ltd., 218 Beech Street, Bennington, Vermont 05201, U.S.A. Bimonthly $5-00 per annum). A new magazine dealing with all aspects of World War II. In addition to extensive reviews of books and other material, this one contains articles on the Russian Soldier; The Tiger Tank; The Messerachmitt Classic; Naval Beach Parties; BF109 Specifications; Notes for the Modeller; Lou Zocchi "For The Wargamer" plus photographs. A very interesting and full first issue. AFTER THE BATTLE - No-3. This "nostalgic" publication is beautifully put together and illustrated and really worthy of attention. This one has extensive illustrated articles on the Ruhr Dams Raids; Evacuation from Dunkirk; Lt. Audie Murphy; Bomb and Mine Dispesaij Capture of the U-Boat U505 plus Mementos of the Mighty. 50p quarterly from Battle of Britain Prints International Ltd, 3 New Plaistow Road, Stratford, London E15. The idea behind these books is to compare by means of pictures, many of the well known events of World War II." If you take one of the books to the actual site under review, as I did to Normandy, then it becomes invaluable. EL CONQUISTADOR - March 1974. (Viking Systems, Suite 823, 24 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60602, U.S.A. - £ 4.00 per annum U.S.A.). Although much of this magazine is Greek to me because I have no knowledge or interest in the game of Diplomacy, the main subject of the magazine, there are good articles on miniature wargaming dotted here and there so in this issue they include The Failure of the Carolingian State; Morale for World War II Miniatures - Armour Supporting Infantry; Battle of Britain Boardgeme review; Naval Wargames Rules plus book reviews and other features. SOLDIER April 1974. Full of well illustrated articles on the modern British Army. Articles of particular interest to the wargamer are reviews of military models, book and record reviews. 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