Hint of the Month

Paint Storage

by Terry Griner

Talking Wargaming

I keep all my paint bottles stored upside down when not in use. This seems to prevent drying out of the paint to some extent and also lets me know at a glance when I open one to use, if the pigment has settled to the "bottom", thus requiring additional mixing. I store my thinner the same way (upside down). When I am ready to use it again, all the pigment has settled into the lid where I can wipe it out, thus keeping the same thinner clean and usable for a very long time. Save your soda pop bottle caps. They make very good little receptacles in which to mix up a special colour. If you have any small or narrow necked paint bottles, the pop bottle caps also can be used to pour small amounts of point in to use rather than dipping to the bottom of a narrow bottle or (ugh) pouring some of the paint into the lid of the paint bottle itself.

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