Austrian Grenadier Regiments


by John Cook

In 1807 Archduke Charles reorganised the Austrian Army so that, on a war footing, the infantry regiment consisted of three Fusilier Battalions and a Division of Grenadiers (two companies). The Fusilier Battalion had six companies with a strength of 6/800 men.

As was usual in many Continental armies of this period, the Grenadiers were grouped together in 'elite' battalions and a typical Grenadier Battalion would have three Divisions in it, i.e. six company's. They would be commanded by a staff officer from one of the parent regiments and took his name, consequently they frequently changed. During the period under review they were as follows:

NameGrenadier Div
parent Regts
Berger15, 28, 47B
Fischer11, 25, 54B
Meinaers17, 16, 21B
Call36, 42, 35B
De Best3, 4, 63C
Frisch1, 12, 57C
Puteani59, 14, 49C
Welsberg27, 16, 26A
Possman Von Algesheim8, 22 ----C
Portner9, 24, 44B
Hronade10, 29, 40C
Obermayer Von Ebersberg30, 41, 58B
Purcell Von Roreston31, 51 ----A
Faber Von Weidenau48H, 52H ---A
Chimani Von Namberg53, 61H9 62HA
Lanyi2, 19H, 33HC
Czarnokay Von Charlottenburg34H, 37H, 60HB
Habinay Von Terstina32H, 39H ---D
H denotes Hungarian

As can be seen, some battalions had only two Grenadier Divisions and others a mixture of elements from German and Hungarian Regiments. The battalions normally operated in groups of at least four. Deployed as follows: (The alphabetical notations represent the locations of the battalions).

    A - In Italy.
    B - With the main Army.
    C - With the Austro- Bavarian Corps under Wrede in South Germany.
    D - Location not known.

There are two further battalions named Stabinazy and Masse, but I do not know what regiments made up their complement. They served with the main army and in South Germany respectively during the period 1809-1813

All the regiments are named and numbered in Knotel and in Funcken.

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