Hint of the Month

Physical Fitness Chart

by A.K. Smith

Here is the new Physical Fitness chart I use:

    Fresh: 0-8 min. 0
    Tired: 9-14
    Exhausted: 15-25 max. 25

Each move (if resting) -1
c/o Movement during move +1
Charge move +10
Melee per move +5
Firing +1 (In general 6 figures or more firing: maybe 1/3
Being fired upon +1 (In general, 6 figures or 4 guns firing on you*)

    *Note: 1 gun figure represents a company of 6 guns.

(i) These values are not changed until the very end of the move, but before throwing for post-melee morale.

(ii) Charge moves may only be initiated when fresh, except when pursuing a broken enemy.

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