The American Scene


by Bill Tolan

Recently I visited Gettysburg. I spent three days there - in fact - had the town almost to myself. The Government has recent1y built a Visitors Centre to house the Cyclorama by Phillpoteux in 1884 . At 360 feet in circumference and 7 feet high, it takes your breath away. Instea of signing his name, the artist painted himself into the mural.

I next went to the museum on the battlefield. This building houses relics such as uniforms, spent shellsand weaponz. It also has a device called the Electic Map. You watch the entire battle by means of sma11 differently coloured light bulbs.

I then conducted a tour of the battlefield for my wife and myself. One of the most impressive sites is from Little Round Top, as was Devil's Den with its massive boulders.

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